A Bugged Office Warns the Bastard That the Ops Budget is in Peril from a DIY Cowboy <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
A Fellow Bastard Doesn't Have Cable, So Our Bastard Sets Procuring Some Extra Bandwidth <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
A heated exchange with the boss over air conditioning raises temperatures all round. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
A pay rise in his pocket, and admiring Pimply-Faced Youth Looking, the BOFH plays safe. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
After Complaints About the Bass Line, the BOfH Makes Sure the Boss Gets the Message Loud & Clear <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
As The BOFH explains, "Dummies don't grow on trees, it takes years of training." <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
As encryption is forced on the Bastard, he plots to give the Boss more of a shock than ever. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
As the boss gets in a twist about cat 5 cables, the BOFH bides his time to unravel the mess. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Battle vibes pulsate as Beancounter Central takes vehement action against the network lads. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Besieged by a pack of consultants, The Bastard puts them to work scratching an itch. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Blackmail is in the Air as the Bastard Decides to Take Advantage of the Company's New Free Therapy <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Bored, the Bastard Works the Helldesk and Scores a Trifecta <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Elementary, my dear Watson, The Bastard is afoot <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Even on a well-deserved holiday, The Bastard's work is never done <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Ever tempted to play computer games at work? The BOFH sets out to spoil all the fun. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Faced With a Nosey Safety Consultant, the Bastard Arranges a Junket to Ohio by Way of South America <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Fear of a compulsory team-building weekend spurs the BOFH into his own style of teamwork. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Fixing the Y2K Problem is a Breeze Compared to Getting Rid of an Unwanted Boss, But the Bastard Manages <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Forced to press the flesh with users, The Bastard helps one, while helping himself to a nice bird and some dosh <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Hungover, roped in to cover the Hell Desk - if he wasn't the Bastard, this could be a bad day. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Infiltration of the e-mail system provokes the BOFH to adulterate the Yellow Pages. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Interlude: The Bastard Operator from Britain <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
Interlude: The Bastard System Manager from Hell <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
Inventory time has the auditors out in force & The BOFH on the defensive <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
It might be moving day, unless The BOFH can find a way to foil powers on high. Is there really a doubt? <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
It really hits the fan as the tables turn inside the walls of Computer Central. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
It's Pay Raises and Lager When the Bastard and the Stockholders Meet and Give the Boss a Unique Send Off <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
It's show time, folks, and the Bastard goes along to do some, err... research on the latest kit. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
It's simple accounting and the BOFH explains it all to the Boss <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Just how do you get round that tricky visit from the auditors? The BOFH has a few ideas. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Looking for new challenges, or just more dosh, the BOFH risks it all in the agency shark pool. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Money is exchanged as the Bastard engages in some very underhand practices. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Needing a Rest, the Boss Leaves His Personal Assistant to Handle the Bastard, But Dr. Bastard Handles the Boss <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Never try to BS a BOfH, It Is Not Only Futile, But Hazardous As Well <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Not quite the smell of Napalm in the morning, but a burnt server gets things off to a good start. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Point scoring over network equipment blunders sees the PFY battling it out with the BOFH. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
R. Amchip buys the farm, and The Bastard buys a pint to celebrate <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Rage is All the Rage as the Bastard and the PFY Pit Their Psychosis Against the Boss' New Secretary. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Rule one of setting up a network: Don't Let the boss use his 'initiative' and set oneup himself. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Someone's found out where the 'liberated' phones go. Dial 'B' for Bastard. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Telecommuters Find That They Are Making Voluntary Contributions to the Beer Fund Every Time they Call In <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Accountants Try to Make the BOfH Accountable, But Only Succeed in Boosting the Beer Fund. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The BOFH and PFY go on some site visits. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH and PFY help sort out a rival's PSIC problems. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH becomes a contract killer as he undoes some damage caused by the boss. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH comes face to face with the ultimate in office bureaucracy and he just won't war it. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH is in trouble for not turning up to his training course. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH wins an award from his peer group. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOFH's in the mood for a little light fraud, but how to get rid of the boss? Easy-peasy! <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The BOfH Decides to Depthcharge the Boss' Minesweeper Game and Acquire Some Spare Parts <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The BOfH Discovers a New Ally on the Help Desk, and It Seem That Wales Is In for a Rough Time <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The BOfH Engages In A Joint Anglo-American Operation <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The BOfH Helps the Staff With an Identity Crisis, While the PFY Drives a Wedge Between System Maintenance and the Boss <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The BOfH and the PFY Have Lost Two Entire Days and Can't Remember What Happened. Was it An Alien Abduction or a Booze Up? <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard Adds a Few Entries to the Bastard's Bible <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard Blasts the Confidence of the Most Well-Meaning Souls <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Dislikes His Boss's Usage of Foul Language <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Does Dickens and Does Him Hard <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard Establishes His Territorial Boundaries <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Explains Management Theory to the PFY, and the Boss Takes It In the 'nads <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard Finds a New Use for an Electric Wheelchair <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Gets His Retaliation in First <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Goes to the Trade Show <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Has Been Farming Out Spare Disk Space for Spare Cash, Thanks to an Inside Helper <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard Maintains His Level of Bad Taste and Seeks Sweet Revenge <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Negotiates Around "Budget Constraints" <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Operator from Hell - The '95 Vintage <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Operator from Hell is Back <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Spreads Peace and Goodwill Among Colleagues <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard Wreaks His Terrible Revenge. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard and Higher Education <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard and his pimply sidekick spread their network of misery across the land. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Bastard and the PFY Break in a New Contract Programmer, and He Lives <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Bastard and the PFY help review safety policy <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard brings lost sheep back into the fold <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard celebrrates Christmas '95 <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard gets a promotion <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard goes overboard with the 'kill' command, and the company is awash in drunken scotsmen <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard helps with a server upgrade <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard is very Helpful... <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard may have overreached, but the PFY has a plan <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard on a Devilish Buying Mission <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard persuades the Boss of the need for a wireless solution <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard puts a price tag on user access after a particularly annoying request. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Bastard puts his newest protege through a rather nasty baptism and sees him blossom. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Bastard puts in a day on the Help Desk. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Bastard reaches a new generation how to handle management <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard runs afoul of the Caff Staff and gives them a better target <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard shows his compassionate side <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard suffers from some temporary telephone trouble. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Bastard suggests a team building outing and The Boss fails to see the trap <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard takes a lesson in how to be a happy IT manager. The horror, the horror... <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard tries his hand at movie-making <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard versus The Secretary <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard's Christmas spirit makes the Boss burning mad <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Bastard's Recruitment Plan <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The Bastard's writing regresses to childlike scrawls as he attempts some artistic expenses. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Boss Tries to Burn the Bastard With a Docs Ploy, but He Should Have Known Better <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Boss heads for Tonga, but his replacement gives the Bastard pause <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Boss is absorbed with his mid-life crisis, so The Bastard breaks out the chaingun <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Building Owners Want to Repaint the Building, So the BOfH, the PFY and the Boss Help Decorate <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Chief Beancounter has a half-baked plan to oust the Bastard and his sidekick. What a very foolish thing to attempt. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The Games the Thing by Which the Bastard Will Humiliate a Boss. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Lager Fund's in Danger, So the Bastard Orders Up a Pizza and X-Ray <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The Last Bastard Operator from Hell! <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell Version 1.0
The New Head of Security Is a Problem and the New Boss is No Help. How Will the BOfH Get Out of This? <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The PFY Admires a Prototype Laptop, and the Telcomm Manager is MIA After Crossing the BOfH <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The PFY Is In Danger of Becoming a Geek, but the Bastard Has a Remedy <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
The PFY gets a lesson in dealing with management decisions <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The PFY is racking up complaints and The Bastard is called on to investigate <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The PFY scores high marks on his BOFH exam <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The PFY starts to go soft until The Bastard takes some stern measures. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The PY in the soup, the BOFH to the rescue <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The Trade Show Season and a BOFH's fancy turns to scheming <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The boss cooks his goose with a dodgy microwave dish as the Batsrad out-manoeuveres him yet again. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
The new Boss is a babe in the woods and The Bastard must take matters in hand <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
The purchasing department gets on The Bastard's bad side, making him a tad vindictive <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Time for the Annual Robo-Wars, and the Bastard Cuts the Gordian Knot By Flattening the Walls <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Trains, planes and the dreaded laptop spotter - the BOFH brings the anoraks back to earth. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Trying to out-bastard The Bastard, the Boss becomes a victim of "Plan A" <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
War is hell, especially if you are fighting The Bastard <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
When The Bastard's away, the replacement will get toasted. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell
Where do you find a new Pimply-Faced-Youth when you want one? It's a challenge, but... <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
While the PFY's in Therapy, the Bastard Must Hold the Fort by Burning It Down <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
Who said management was easy? Still, there's nothing that can't be sorted out with an axe. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell II - Son of the Bastard
Who's Nicking the BOfH's Kit? The Evidence Points to a New Bastard in Town. <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
With a Little Help from a Beancounter, the BOfH Has Been Helping the Boss Increase His Credit Line <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bastard Operator from Hell 4 - Dummy Mode Is Forever
With the users away, The Bastard must find other amusements <Geschichte> (
Simon Travaglia) Buch:
Bride of the Bastard Operator from Hell