Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction May/Jun 2010 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2010-05 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.00 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:318873 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
5: Why That Crazy Old Lady Goes Up the Mountain (Michael Libling)
34: Abschnitt: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
43: Abschnitt: Musing on Books (Michelle West)
50: Thief of Shadows (Fred Chappell)
67: A History of Cadmium (Elizabeth Bourne)
86: The Real Martian Chronicles (John T. Sladek als John Sladek)
92: Dr. Death vs. The Vampire (Aaron Schutz)
129: Remotest Mansions of the Blood (Alex Irvine)
145: Seven Sins For Seven Dwarves (Hilary Goldstein)
164: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
165: Silence (Dale Bailey)
183: Forever (Rachel Pollack)
197: The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (Robert Onopa)
213: Abschnitt: Films: Blockbuster as Religious Experience (Kathi Maio)
219: The Gypsy's Boy (Lokiko Hall)
230: The Crocodiles (Steven Pokes)
255: Abschnitt: Competition #79: Hooked on Mnemonics
257: Abschnitt: Curiosities: Alvin Steadfast on Vernacular Island, by Frank Jacobs (Bud Webster)