Titel | Short Stories From Small Islands - Tales Shared In Palau | |
Autor | Alan Dean Foster | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2005 | |
Buchformat | Hardcover, Schutzumschlag | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 259 | |
Preis | 2.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 982-00-0099-8, ISBN13: 978-982-00-0099-5 | |
Links | Eurobuch:9820000998, ISFDB:322652 | |
Verlag | SPC | |
Inhalt |
5: Kommentar: Introduction (Alan Dean Foster)
9: Uab: The Giant Who Made the Palau Islands (Faith G. Swords)
19: Pacific Ways (Janet Dixon Keller)
27: Kneidelech and Coconuts (Yarden Bornovski)
39: Mamang (Jerry Marugg)
61: Revealing Experience (Carla Polloi)
69: Tropicbird Feathers (Tova Harel Bornovski)
79: The Frog and the Mantas (Alan Dean Foster)
87: The Darkness of Light (Philip N. Haruo)
92: Abschnitt: Biographies