Autor - Smythe, Colin

TitelA Stroke of the Pen - The Lost Stories
Terry Pratchett - A Stroke of the Pen - The Lost Stories: Vorn
Terry Pratchett
A Stroke of the Pen - The Lost Stories
Terry Pratchett - A Stroke of the Pen - The Lost Stories: Hinten
Terry Pratchett
A Stroke of the Pen - The Lost Stories
AutorTerry Pratchett
Preis9.99 Britische Pfund, 21.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-80499-259-3
vii: Abschnitt: About the Author
xi: Abschnitt: Dedication (Colin Smythe)
xv: Kommentar: Foreword (Neil Gaiman)
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Colin Smythe)
3: How It All Began...
11: The Fossil Beach
25: The Real Wild West
35: How Scrooge Saw the Spectral Light (Ho! Ho! Ho!) and Went Happily Back to Humbug
43: Wnated: A Fat, Jolly Man with a Red Woolly Hat
51: A Partridge in a Post Box
57: The New Father Christmas
63: The Great Blackbury Pie
69: How Good King Wenceslas Went Pop for the DJ's Feast of Stephen
77: Dragon Quest
87: The Gnomes from Home
95: From the Horse's Mouth
105: Blackbury Weather
115: The Blackbury Jungle
125: The Haunted Steamroller
135: The Money Tree
143: The Blackbury Thing
151: Mr Brown's Holiday Accident
163: Pilgarlic Towers
173: The Quest for the Keys
213: Essay: The Quest for The Quest for the Keys Or Sometimes It's Right To Be Wrong (Pat Harkin & Jan Harkin)
217: Arnold, the Bominable Snowman
223: Abschnitt: Text Acknowledgements