Autor - Unsworth, Simon Kurt

TitelWeird Fiction Review #11 - Winter 2020
John Pelan - Weird Fiction Review #11 - Winter 2020: Vorn
John Pelan
Weird Fiction Review #11 - Winter 2020
John Pelan - Weird Fiction Review #11 - Winter 2020: Hinten
John Pelan
Weird Fiction Review #11 - Winter 2020
AutorJohn Pelan
Preis35.00 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-61347-298-9
VerlagCentipede Press
5: Essay: The Catacombs of Film (John Llewellyn Probert)
19: Essay: Big Words on Small Screens (Adam Groves)
38: The Appointment (Joyce Carol Oates)
48: Essay: Shadows, Sadists, and Sandkings (Boyd White)
65: Essay: The Gargoyles Of G.K. Chesterton (John C. Tibbetts)
103: The Strange Hotel Medical Party (John Llewellyn Probert)
124: Essay: An Interview with John Farris (Dave Roberts)
134: Essay: Neil Gaiman's Punch and Judy (Trev Hill)
145: The Seventh Feality (Simon Kurt Unsworth)
169: Corners (Kaaron Warren)
177: Essay: Audible Nightmares (Chad Hensley)
193: Essay: The Art of John Tedrick (The joey Zone)
207: Update: F.2 (Alan Dean Foster)
223: Chariots of San Fernando (Malcolm Jameson)
248: Father's Last Escape (Bruno Schulz)
253: The Children of Lord Ob (Jeffrey Thomas)
272: Essay: Clive Barker's Books of Blood (Ron Clinton)
301: Essay: Be Afraid: Scary Cinema since the Sixties (Randall D. Larson)
327: The Manager's Black Mask: A Parody (Jonathan Thomas)
343: Essay: Do You Know the Way to Ivanpah? (Stephen R. Bissette)
381: Essay: Forgotten Masters of the Weird Tale (John Pelan)