Titel | Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #25 - Summer 2004 | |
Autor | Edward J. McFadden III | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2004 | |
Buchformat | Heft | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 50 | |
Preis | 5.95 US-Dollar, 6.94 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISSN | 1073-7758 | |
Links | ISFDB:430404 | |
Verlag | DNA Publications | |
Inhalt |
5: The White Hotel (Alan Dean Foster)
11: The Great Big Out (Richard Parks)
18: Gedicht: Ely Church, 1873 (Nancy A. Henry)
21: SysOp (Catherine Wells)
23: Gedicht: Stargasso (K. Mark Hoover)
25: Mexico's Last Monarch (S. R. Gauthier)
28: Gedicht: Now And Then (Tom Walsh)
29: Just Desserts (Patrick Thomas)
37: Mom and the Ankylosaur (Rosemary Claire Smith)
41: Gedicht: Sequelae (Dennis Saleh)
43: Witching Hour (Mary Catelli)
47: Mem (Jeff Carlson)