Titel | As The Gears Turn - Tales of Steamworld | |
Autor | Patrick Thomas | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2016 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy, Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 136 | |
Preis | 12.00 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 1-890096-65-2, ISBN13: 978-1-890096-65-6 | |
Links | Amazon:1-890096-65-2, Eurobuch:1890096652, ISFDB:732913 | |
Verlag | Padwolf Publishing | |
Inhalt |
7: Deadly Imitation
24: The Banks Of The City Thames
42: That Voodoo That You Do
65: Attack Of The Body Patchers
82: Rode Hard
111: Touching The Sky