Titel | M is for Magic | |
Autor | Neil Gaiman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 2 | |
Jahr | 2008 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 249 | |
Preis | 6.00 Britische Pfund | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-7475-9568-7 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-7475-9568-7, Eurobuch:9780747595687, ISFDB:268309 | |
Verlag | Bllomsbury | |
Inhalt |
ix: Kommentar: Introduction
3: The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds
23: Troll Bridge
42: Don't Ask Jack
46: How to Sell the Ponti Bridge
71: October in the Chair
95: Chivalry
119: The Price
131: How to Talk to Girls at Parties
156: Sunbird
194: The Witch's Headstone
246: Gedicht: Instructions