Titel | NightCaps | |
Autor | Patrick Thomas | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2007 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Murphy's Lore After Hours 1 | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 175 | |
Preis | 14.00 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-890096-35-9 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-890096-35-9, Eurobuch:9781890096359, ISFDB:514779 | |
Verlag | Padwolf Publishing | |
Inhalt |
11: Soul Seduction
18: Special Delivery
48: Stone Cold Kommentar: Graveyard Angel
56: Once Around The Park
68: The Beast With Two Backs Kommentar: The DMA Casefiles
81: Equal Rites Kommentar: Nemesis & Co.
86: Vampire under Glass Kommentar: Hexcraft
99: Open Door Policy Kommentar: Terrorbelle
109: Ebb and Flow Kommentar: Crimson Midnights
113: Stormers Brewing
124: Lucky Daye Kommentar: The Swords of the Daemor
133: Trickster in Chains
140: Cute As A Button Kommentar: Soul For Hire
144: Hair Today, Bald Tomorrow Kommentar: The Kinder
151: Those Who Live By The Horn Kommentar: The Infinite Jester