Titel | Dead to Rites - The D.M.A. Casefiles of Agent Karver | |
Autor | Patrick Thomas | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2010 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | DMA Casefiles 2 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 197 | |
Preis | 15.00 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 1-890096-42-3, ISBN13: 978-1-890096-42-7 | |
Links | Amazon:1-890096-42-3, Eurobuch:1890096423, ISFDB:315796 | |
Verlag | Padwolf Publishing | |
Inhalt |
9: Then Terror Came
27: The Beast With Two Backs
43: Hecatomb
56: Cardiac Arrest
73: Snips And Snails
88: Get A Room
133: Ask Not
144: Zombie And Spice
172: The Tall Man Cometh