Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2012 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2012-05 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.50 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:386488 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
5: Liberty's Daughter (Naomi Kritzer)
32: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
41: Abschnitt: Books (James Sallis)
48: Asylum (Albert E. Cowdrey)
69: Maze of Shadows (Fred Chappell)
136: Taking the Low Road (Pat MacEwen)
160: Necrosis (Dale Bailey)
166: Abschnitt: Plumage from Pegasus: What Immortal Hand or Eye Could Frame Thy Dreadful Copyright? (Paul di Filippo)
170: Typhoid Jack (Andy Stewart)
188: City League (Matthew Corradi)
204: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
205: Abschnitt: Films: Transitioning Through Ghosts, Guilt, and Superpowers (Kathi Maio)
212: Grand Tour (Chris Willrich)
225: The Children's Crusade (Michael Alexander)
255: Abschnitt: Results of Competition #83: Tweeted
256: Abschnitt: Competition #84: What's in a Name?
258: Abschnitt: Curiosities: The Outcast Manufacturers, by Charles Fort (Jack Womack)