Autor - Coats, Yvonne

TitelTurn the Other Chick
Esther M. Friesner - Turn the Other Chick: Vorn
Esther M. Friesner
Turn the Other Chick
Esther M. Friesner - Turn the Other Chick: Hinten
Esther M. Friesner
Turn the Other Chick
AutorEsther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner
SerieChicks in Chainmail 5
Preis7.99 US-Dollar, 10.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBN1-4165-2053-8, ISBN13: 978-1-4165-2053-5
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Esther M. Friesner)
7: Mightier Than the Sword (John G. Hemry)
25: A Late Symmer Night's Battle (Laura Frankos)
41: Psyched Up (Michael D. Turner)
57: Branded (Jan Stirling)
79: The Girl's Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord (Cassandra Claire)
103: She Stuffs to Conquer (Yvonne Coats)
111: The Gypsy Queen (Catherine H. Shaffer)
131: Over the Hill (Jim C. Hines)
151: A Sword Called Rhonda (D. S. Moen)
163: Giants in the Earth (Esther M. Friesner)
183: Rituals for a New God (Wen Spencer)
197: I Look Good (Selina Rosen)
207: Combat Shopping (Lee Martindale)
221: Battle Ready (J. Ardian Lee)
227: A Woman's Armor (Lesley McBain)
247: Hallah Iron-Thighs and the Hall of the Puppet King (K. D. Wentworth)
271: Princess Injera Versus the Spanakopita of Doom (Robin Wayne Bailey)
295: Brunhilde's Bra (Laura J. Underwood)
309: Smoke and Mirrors (Steven Harper Piziks als Steven Piziks)
327: The Truth About the Gotterdammerung (Eric Flint)
345: Defender of the Small (Jody Lynn Nye)
365: Of Mice and Chicks (Harry Turtledove)
383: Abschnitt: About the Authors (Esther M. Friesner)