Autor - Lerner, Laurence

TitelComputers, computers, computers!
Dennie L. van Tassel - Computers, computers, computers!: Umschlag vorn
Dennie L. van Tassel
Computers, computers, computers!
Umschlag vorn:
Dennie L. van Tassel - Computers, computers, computers!: Umschlag hinten
Dennie L. van Tassel
Computers, computers, computers!
Umschlag hinten:
AutorDennie L. van Tassel als D. van Tassel
BuchformatHardcover, Schutzumschlag
GenreScience Fiction
Preis6.95 US-Dollar
ISBN0-8407-6542-8, ISBN13: 978-0-8407-6542-0
VerlagThomas Nelson
9: Kommentar: Make Way For The Machines (Dennie L. van Tassel)
13: Answer (Fredric Brown)
15: The Perfect Crime (Richard T. Sandberg)
23: Put Your Brains In Your Pocket (Arthur W. Hoppe)
27: Fool's Mate (Robert Sheckley als Robert T. Sheckley)
43: Pooling Information With A Computer (Art Buchwald)
47: Space To Move (Joseph Green)
65: Computers Don't Argue (Gordon R. Dickson)
83: That Dinkum Thinkum (Robert A. Heinlein) Kommentar: Kapitel 1 von "The Moon is a harsh Mistress"
95: Gedicht: Arthur's Night Out (Laurence Lerner)
99: 2066: Election Day (Michael Shaara)
117: Gedicht: From An Ecclesiastical Chronicle (John Heath-Stubbs)
119: Answer "Affirmative" Or "Negative" (Barbara Paul)
141: The Metric Plot (Jim Haynes)
147: Lied: Push The Magic Button (Renn Zaphiropoulos)
151: Whe The Computer Went Out To Launch (Art Buchwald)
155: Criminal In Utopia (Mack Reynolds)
177: The Union Forever (Barry N. Malzberg)
183: The Day The Computers Got Waldon Ashenfelter (Bob Elliott & Ray Goulding)