Autor - Parker, K.J.

TitelThe Book of Dragons
Jonathan Strahan - The Book of Dragons: Vorn
Jonathan Strahan
The Book of Dragons
Jonathan Strahan - The Book of Dragons: Hinten
Jonathan Strahan
The Book of Dragons
AutorJonathan Strahan
Jahr2021, Erstausgabe: 2020
Preis9.99 Britische Pfund
ISBNISBN13: 978-0-00-833153-5
VerlagHarper Voyager
xiii: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
xv: Kommentar: Introduction
1: What Heroism Tells Us (Jane Yolen)
3: Matriculation (Elle Katharine White)
25: Hikayat Sri Bujang, or, The Tale of the Naga Sage (Zen Cho)
49: Yuli (Daniel Abraham)
67: A Whisper of Blue (Ken Liu)
99: Nidhog (Jo Walton)
103: Where the River Turns to Concrete (Brooke Bolander)
129: Habitat (K. J. Parker)
153: Pox (Ellen Klages)
177: The Nine Curves River (R. F. Kuang)
195: Lucky's Dragon (Kelly Barnhill)
231: I Make Myself a Dragon (Beth Cato)
237: The Exile (JY Yang)
255: Except on Saturdays (Peter S. Beagle)
267: La Vitesse (Kelly Robson)
289: A Final Knight to Her Love and Foe (Amal El-Mohtar)
293: The Long Walk (Kate Elliott)
339: Cut Me Another Quill, Mister Fitz (Garth Nix)
367: Hoard (Seanan McGuire)
377: The Wyrm of Lirr (C. S. E. Cooney)
383: The Last Hunt (Aliette de Bodard)
403: We Continue (Ann Leckie & Rachel Swirsky)
425: Small Bird's Plea (Todd McCaffrey)
453: The Dragons (Theodora Goss)
459: Dragon Slayer (Michael Swanwick)
479: Camouflage (Patricia A. McKillip)
497: We Don't Talk About Dragon (Sarah Gailey)
517: Maybe Just Go Up There and Talk to It (Scott Lynch)
547: A Nice Cuppa (Jane Yolen)
551: Abschnitt: About Our Poets
555: Abschnitt: About Jonathan Strahan
557: Abschnitt: Credits
TitelThe Djinn Falls In Love
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin - The Djinn Falls In Love: Vorn
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
The Djinn Falls In Love
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin - The Djinn Falls In Love: Hinten
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
The Djinn Falls In Love
AutorenMahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
Preis15.99 US-Dollar, 21.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-78108-417-5
VerlagRebellion Publishing
5: Kommentar: Introduction (Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin)
10: Gedicht: The Djinn Falls In Love (Hermes) [Robin Moger]
13: The Congregation (Kamila Shamsie)
23: How We Remember You (Kuzhali Manickavel)
31: Hurrem and the Djinn (Claire North)
45: Glass Lights (JY Yang als J. Y. Yang)
55: Authenticity (Monica Byrne)
65: Majnun (Helene Wecker)
77: Black Powder (Maria Dahvana Headley)
99: A Tale of Ash in Seven Birds (Amal El-Mohtar)
105: The Sand in the Flass is Right (James Smythe)
121: Reap (Sami Shah)
139: Queen of Sheba (Catherine Faris King)
151: The Jinn Hunter's Apprentice (E. J. Swift)
169: Message in a Bottle (K. J. Parker)
183: Bring Your Own Spoon (Saad Z. Hossain)
197: Somewhere in America (Neil Gaiman)
207: Duende 2077 (Jamal Mahjoub)
221: The Righteous Guide od Arabsat (Sophia Al-Maria)
235: The Spite House (Kirsty Logan)
249: Emperors of Jinn (Usman T. Malik)
265: History (Nnedi Okorafor)
279: Abschnitt: About the Authors