Autor - Yang, JY

TitelThe Best of Uncanny
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas - The Best of Uncanny: Umschlag vorn
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
The Best of Uncanny
Umschlag vorn:
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas - The Best of Uncanny: Umschlag hinten
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
The Best of Uncanny
Umschlag hinten:
AutorenLynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
BuchformatHardcover, Schutzumschlag
Preis40.00 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-59606-918-3
VerlagSubterranean Press
9: Kommentar: The Uncanny Valley - An Introduction (Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas)
13: Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies (Brooke Bolander)
17: Blessings (Naomi Novik)
25: Folding Beijing [chinesisch: 北京折叠] (Hao Jingfang) [Ken Liu]
71: Gedicht: The New Ways (Amal El-Mohtar)
73: Fandom for Robots (Vina Jie-Min Prasad)
87: Catcall (Delilah S. Dawson)
109: Wooden Feathers (Ursula Vernon)
129: Gedicht: The Long Run (Neil Gaiman)
131: The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History (Sam J. Miller)
149: Ghost Champagne (Charlie Jane Anders)
167: Translatio Corporis (Kat Howard)
179: Gedicht: Rose Child (Theodora Goss)
183: The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight (E. Lily Yu)
201: Monster Girls Don't Cry (A. Merc Rustad)
219: Midnight Hour (Mary Robinette Kowal)
241: Henosis (N. K. Jemisin)
249: Gedicht: The Persecution of Witches (Ali Trotta)
251: Restore the Heart into Love (John Chu)
267: I Frequently Hear Music in the Very Heart of Noise (Sarah Pinsker)
285: You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay (Alyssa Wong)
317: Gedicht: 肉骨茶 (Meat Bone Tea) (S. Qiouyi Lu)
319: She Still Loves the Dragon (Elizabeth Bear)
333: If You Were a Tiger, I'd Have to Wear White (Maria Dahvana Headley)
349: Gedicht: archival testimony fragments / minersong (Rose Lemberg)
353: Sun, Moon, Dust (Ursula Vernon)
367: Planet Lion (Catherynne M. Valente)
389: The Hydraulic Emperor (Arkady Martine)
411: Gedicht: Starskin, Sealskin (Sara Cleto & Shveta Thakrar)
415: Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time (K. M. Szpara)
447: Gedicht: god-date (Brandon O'Brien)
451: Auspicium Melioris Aevi (JY Yang)
469: Clearly Lettered in a Mostly Steady Hand (Fran Wilde)
477: An Ocean the Color of Bruises (Isabel Yap)
493: Gedicht: Dancing Princesses (Roshani Chokshi)
497: Those (Sofia Samatar)
513: Though She Be But Little (C. S. E. Cooney)
533: Children of Thorns, Children of Water (Aliette de Bodard)
571: Gedicht: Protestations Against the Idea of Anglicization (Cassandra Khaw)
575: My Body, Herself (Carmen Maria Machado)
583: Ye Highlands and Ye Lowlands (Seanan McGuire)
601: The Words on My Skin (Caroline M. Yoachim)
605: And Then There Were (N–One) (Sarah Pinsker)
661: Gedicht: The Sea Never Says It Loves You (Fran Wilde)
663: Pockets (Amal El-Mohtar)
675: Abschnitt: Author Biographies
TitelThe Book of Dragons
Jonathan Strahan - The Book of Dragons: Vorn
Jonathan Strahan
The Book of Dragons
Jonathan Strahan - The Book of Dragons: Hinten
Jonathan Strahan
The Book of Dragons
AutorJonathan Strahan
Jahr2021, Erstausgabe: 2020
Preis9.99 Britische Pfund
ISBNISBN13: 978-0-00-833153-5
VerlagHarper Voyager
xiii: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
xv: Kommentar: Introduction
1: What Heroism Tells Us (Jane Yolen)
3: Matriculation (Elle Katharine White)
25: Hikayat Sri Bujang, or, The Tale of the Naga Sage (Zen Cho)
49: Yuli (Daniel Abraham)
67: A Whisper of Blue (Ken Liu)
99: Nidhog (Jo Walton)
103: Where the River Turns to Concrete (Brooke Bolander)
129: Habitat (K. J. Parker)
153: Pox (Ellen Klages)
177: The Nine Curves River (R. F. Kuang)
195: Lucky's Dragon (Kelly Barnhill)
231: I Make Myself a Dragon (Beth Cato)
237: The Exile (JY Yang)
255: Except on Saturdays (Peter S. Beagle)
267: La Vitesse (Kelly Robson)
289: A Final Knight to Her Love and Foe (Amal El-Mohtar)
293: The Long Walk (Kate Elliott)
339: Cut Me Another Quill, Mister Fitz (Garth Nix)
367: Hoard (Seanan McGuire)
377: The Wyrm of Lirr (C. S. E. Cooney)
383: The Last Hunt (Aliette de Bodard)
403: We Continue (Ann Leckie & Rachel Swirsky)
425: Small Bird's Plea (Todd McCaffrey)
453: The Dragons (Theodora Goss)
459: Dragon Slayer (Michael Swanwick)
479: Camouflage (Patricia A. McKillip)
497: We Don't Talk About Dragon (Sarah Gailey)
517: Maybe Just Go Up There and Talk to It (Scott Lynch)
547: A Nice Cuppa (Jane Yolen)
551: Abschnitt: About Our Poets
555: Abschnitt: About Jonathan Strahan
557: Abschnitt: Credits
TitelThe Djinn Falls In Love
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin - The Djinn Falls In Love: Vorn
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
The Djinn Falls In Love
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin - The Djinn Falls In Love: Hinten
Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
The Djinn Falls In Love
AutorenMahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin
Preis15.99 US-Dollar, 21.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-78108-417-5
VerlagRebellion Publishing
5: Kommentar: Introduction (Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin)
10: Gedicht: The Djinn Falls In Love (Hermes) [Robin Moger]
13: The Congregation (Kamila Shamsie)
23: How We Remember You (Kuzhali Manickavel)
31: Hurrem and the Djinn (Claire North)
45: Glass Lights (JY Yang als J. Y. Yang)
55: Authenticity (Monica Byrne)
65: Majnun (Helene Wecker)
77: Black Powder (Maria Dahvana Headley)
99: A Tale of Ash in Seven Birds (Amal El-Mohtar)
105: The Sand in the Flass is Right (James Smythe)
121: Reap (Sami Shah)
139: Queen of Sheba (Catherine Faris King)
151: The Jinn Hunter's Apprentice (E. J. Swift)
169: Message in a Bottle (K. J. Parker)
183: Bring Your Own Spoon (Saad Z. Hossain)
197: Somewhere in America (Neil Gaiman)
207: Duende 2077 (Jamal Mahjoub)
221: The Righteous Guide od Arabsat (Sophia Al-Maria)
235: The Spite House (Kirsty Logan)
249: Emperors of Jinn (Usman T. Malik)
265: History (Nnedi Okorafor)
279: Abschnitt: About the Authors
TitelThe Long List Anthology Volume 4: More Stories from The Hugo Award Nomination List
David Steffen - The Long List Anthology Volume 4: More Stories from The Hugo Award Nomination List: Vorn
David Steffen
The Long List Anthology Volume 4: More Stories from The Hugo Award Nomination List
David Steffen - The Long List Anthology Volume 4: More Stories from The Hugo Award Nomination List: Hinten
David Steffen
The Long List Anthology Volume 4: More Stories from The Hugo Award Nomination List
AutorDavid Steffen
SerieLong List Anthology Volume 4
GenreScience Fiction, Fantasy
Preis16.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-7904-4947-7
VerlagDiabolical Plots
vii: Abschnitt: Permissions
xi: Kommentar: Foreword (David Steffen)
1: Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance (Tobias S. Buckell)
19: Waiting Out the End of the World at Patty's Place Cafe (Naomi Kritzer)
31: Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue (Charlie Jane Anders)
49: Confessions of a Con Girl (Nick Wolven)
67: Utopia, LOL? (Jamie Wahls)
85: The Scholast in the Low Waters Kingdom (Max Gladstone)
103: Paradox (Naomi Kritzer)
109: Angel of the Blockade (Alex Acks)
133: The Fisher of Bones (Sarah Gailey)
175: Crispin's Model (Max Gladstone)
195: The Dark Birds (Ursula Vernon)
217: Waiting On a Bright Moon (JY Yang)
243: Pan-Humanism: Hope and Pragmatics (Jess Barber & Sara Saab)
275: A Human Stain (Kelly Robson)
301: The Worshipful Society of Glovers (Mary Robinette Kowal)
327: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
329: Abschnitt: Backer Appreciation
331: Abschnitt: About the Editor
333: Abschnitt: More From Diabolical Plots Publishing
TitelThe Mythic Dream
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe - The Mythic Dream: Vorn
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
The Mythic Dream
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe - The Mythic Dream: Hinten
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
The Mythic Dream
AutorenDominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
Preis16.99 US-Dollar, 22.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-4814-6238-9
VerlagSaga Press
xi: Kommentar: Introduction (Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe)
1: Phantoms of the Midway (Seanan McGuire)
24: The Justified (Ann Leckie)
49: Fisher-Bird (Ursula Vernon als T. Kingfisher)
67: A Brief Lesson in Native American Astronomy (Rebecca Roanhorse)
82: Bridge of Crows (JY Yang)
97: Labbatu Takes Command of the Flagship Heaven Dwells Within (Arkady Martine)
112: Wild to Covet (Sarah Gailey)
134: ¡Cuidado! ¡Que Viene El Coco! (Carlos Hernandez)
163: He Fell Howling (Stephen Graham Jones)
181: Curses Liek Words, Like Feathers, Like Stories (Kat Howard)
192: Across the River (Leah Cypess)
207: Sisyphus in Elysium (Jeffrey Ford)
220: Kali_Na (Indrapramit Das)
243: Live Stream (Alyssa Wong)
262: Close Enough for Jazz (John Chu)
282: Buried Deep (Naomi Novik)
313: The Things Eric Eats Before He Eats Himself (Carmen Maria Machado)
320: Florilegia; or, Some Lies About Flowers (Amal El-Mohtar)
339: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
341: Abschnitt: About The Editors
343: Abschnitt: About The Contributors