Autor - Cypess, Leah

TitelThe Mythic Dream
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe - The Mythic Dream: Vorn
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
The Mythic Dream
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe - The Mythic Dream: Hinten
Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
The Mythic Dream
AutorenDominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
Preis16.99 US-Dollar, 22.99 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-4814-6238-9
VerlagSaga Press
xi: Kommentar: Introduction (Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe)
1: Phantoms of the Midway (Seanan McGuire)
24: The Justified (Ann Leckie)
49: Fisher-Bird (Ursula Vernon als T. Kingfisher)
67: A Brief Lesson in Native American Astronomy (Rebecca Roanhorse)
82: Bridge of Crows (JY Yang)
97: Labbatu Takes Command of the Flagship Heaven Dwells Within (Arkady Martine)
112: Wild to Covet (Sarah Gailey)
134: ¡Cuidado! ¡Que Viene El Coco! (Carlos Hernandez)
163: He Fell Howling (Stephen Graham Jones)
181: Curses Liek Words, Like Feathers, Like Stories (Kat Howard)
192: Across the River (Leah Cypess)
207: Sisyphus in Elysium (Jeffrey Ford)
220: Kali_Na (Indrapramit Das)
243: Live Stream (Alyssa Wong)
262: Close Enough for Jazz (John Chu)
282: Buried Deep (Naomi Novik)
313: The Things Eric Eats Before He Eats Himself (Carmen Maria Machado)
320: Florilegia; or, Some Lies About Flowers (Amal El-Mohtar)
339: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
341: Abschnitt: About The Editors
343: Abschnitt: About The Contributors
TitelUnidentified Funny Objects
Alex Shvartsman - Unidentified Funny Objects: Vorn
Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects
Alex Shvartsman - Unidentified Funny Objects: Hinten
Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects
AutorAlex Shvartsman
SerieUnidentified Funny Objects 1
GenreScience Fiction
Preis15.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-0-9884328-0-2
VerlagUFO Publishing
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
7: Timber! (Scott Almes)
23: The Alien Invasion As Seen In The Twitter Stream Of @Dweebless (Jake Kerr)
31: Dreaming Harry (Stephanie Burgis)
47: Fight Finale From The Near Future (James Beamon)
53: Temporal Shimmies (Jennifer Pelland)
67: The Day They Repossessed My Zombies (K. G. Jewell)
79: Moon Landing (Lavie Tidhar)
87: The Last Dragon Slayer (Chuck Rothmann)
101: The Venus Of Willendorf (Deborah Walker)
107: Love Thy Neighbors (Ken Kiu)
113: The Alchemist's Children (Nathaniel Lee)
129: The Fifty-One Suitors Of Princess Jamatpie (Leah Cypess)
135: If You Act Now (Sergej Lukianenko als Sergey Lukyanenko)
147: No Silver Lining (Zach Shephard)
151: Go Karts Of The Gods (Michael Kurland)
157: My Kingdom For A Horse (Stephen D. Rogers)
161: Cake From Mars (Marko Kloos)
175: An Unchanted Sword (Jeff Stehman)
179: The Real Thing (Don Sakers)
185: 2001 Revisited Via 1969 (Bruce Golden)
189: First Date (Jamie Lackey)
201: One-Hand Tantra (Ferrett Steinmetz)
213: Of Mat and Math (Anatoly Belilovsky)
229: All I Want For Christmas (Siobhan Gallagher)
233: The Velveteen Golem (David Sklar)
239: The Working Stiff (Matt Mikalatos)
253: Worm's Eye View (Jody Lynn Nye)
277: The Secret Life Of Sleeping Beauty (Charity Tahmaseb)
281: El And Al vs. Himmler's Horrendous Horde From Hell (Mike Resnick)