Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2012 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 1 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 319 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-0-2 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-0-2, Eurobuch:9780988432802, ISFDB:416265 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
7: Timber! (Scott Almes)
23: The Alien Invasion As Seen In The Twitter Stream Of @Dweebless (Jake Kerr)
31: Dreaming Harry (Stephanie Burgis)
47: Fight Finale From The Near Future (James Beamon)
53: Temporal Shimmies (Jennifer Pelland)
67: The Day They Repossessed My Zombies (K. G. Jewell)
79: Moon Landing (Lavie Tidhar)
87: The Last Dragon Slayer (Chuck Rothmann)
101: The Venus Of Willendorf (Deborah Walker)
107: Love Thy Neighbors (Ken Kiu)
113: The Alchemist's Children (Nathaniel Lee)
129: The Fifty-One Suitors Of Princess Jamatpie (Leah Cypess)
135: If You Act Now (Sergej Lukianenko als Sergey Lukyanenko)
147: No Silver Lining (Zach Shephard)
151: Go Karts Of The Gods (Michael Kurland)
157: My Kingdom For A Horse (Stephen D. Rogers)
161: Cake From Mars (Marko Kloos)
175: An Unchanted Sword (Jeff Stehman)
179: The Real Thing (Don Sakers)
185: 2001 Revisited Via 1969 (Bruce Golden)
189: First Date (Jamie Lackey)
201: One-Hand Tantra (Ferrett Steinmetz)
213: Of Mat and Math (Anatoly Belilovsky)
229: All I Want For Christmas (Siobhan Gallagher)
233: The Velveteen Golem (David Sklar)
239: The Working Stiff (Matt Mikalatos)
253: Worm's Eye View (Jody Lynn Nye)
277: The Secret Life Of Sleeping Beauty (Charity Tahmaseb)
281: El And Al vs. Himmler's Horrendous Horde From Hell (Mike Resnick)
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 2 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2013 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 2 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 296 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-2-6 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-2-6, Eurobuch:9780988432826, ISFDB:429562 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: The MSG Golem (Ken Liu)
25: Service Charge (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
43: Item Not As Described (J. W. Alden)
53: Stranger vs. The Malevolent Toddler (Jim C. Hines)
73: How To Feed Your Pyrokinetic Toddler (Fran Wilde)
77: A Stiff Bargain (Matt Mikalatos)
93: The Girl With The Dagon Tattoo (Josh Vogt)
97: Improved Cubicle Door (M. C. A. Hogarth)
119: On Safari (Mike Resnick)
141: How You Ruined Everything (Konstantine Pardias)
151: Insider Information (Jody Lynn Nye)
169: The Haunted Blender (K. G. Jewell)
179: The Retgun (Tim Pratt)
198: The Diplomat's Holiday (Heather Lindsley)
205: Congratulations On Your Apotheosis (Michelle Ann King)
219: One Thing Leads To Your Mother (Desmond Warzel)
231: Class Action Orc (James Beamon)
247: The Wiggy Turpin Affair (Wade Albert White)
267: Hannibal's Elephants (Robert Silverberg)
296: Abschnitt: About the Editor
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 3 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2014 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 3 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 303 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-4-0 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-4-0, Eurobuch:9780988432840, ISFDB:483367 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: On The Efficacy Of Supervillain Battles In Eliciting Therapeutic Breakthroughs (Jim C. Hines)
19: The Right Answer (James A. Miller)
29: The Gefilte Fish Girl (Mike Resnick)
39: Mast Of Business Apocalypse (Jakob Drud)
53: Carla At The Off-Planet Tax Return Helpline (Caroline M. Yoachim)
59: Why I Bought Satan Two Cokes On The Day I Graduated High School (Nathaniel Lee)
79: Company Store (Robert Silverberg)
97: The Door-To-Door Salesthing From Planet X (Josh Vogt)
101: Picture Perfect (Matt Mikalatos)
117: The Discounted Seniors (James Beamon)
131: The Must Be Them Now (Karen Haber)
149: Notes To My Past And/Or Alternate Selves (Sarah Pinsker)
153: The Real And The Really Real (Tim Pratt)
163: Into The Woods, With Zombunny (Camille Griep)
179: Live At The Scene (Gini Koch)
191: The Newsboy's Last Stand (Krystal Claxton)
201: The Full Lazenby (Jeremy Butler)
213: Do Not Remove This Tag (Piers Anthony)
227: Super-Baby-Moms Group Saves The Day! (Tina Connolly)
245: The Choochoomorphosis (Oliver Buckram)
259: Elections At Villa Encantada (Cat Rambo)
275: Infinite Drive (Jody Lynn Nye)
303: Abschnitt: About the Editor
303: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 4 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2015 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 4 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 307 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-6-4 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-6-4, Eurobuch:9780988432864, ISFDB:540684 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: We Can Get Them For You Wholesale (Neil Gaiman)
15: The Time-Travelling Ghost Machine Of Professor Jaime Peligrosa (Andrew Kaye)
27: Please Approve The Dissertation Reasearch Of Angtor (Caroline M. Yoachim)
35: Match Game (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
51: The Transformation Of Prince Humprey (Brent C. Smith)
55: In The End, You Get Clarity (Laura Pearlman)
67: Project Disaster (Tim Pratt)
75: Hello Hotel (Piers Anthony)
91: Bob's No-Kill Monster Shelter (Ian Creasey)
103: Board Meeting Minutes (Oliver Buckram)
107: Armed For You (Anaea Lay)
119: The Unfortunate Problem Of Grandmother's Head (Karen Haber)
137: My Mother Loves Her Robot More Than Me And I Feel Bad (Eric Kaplan)
145: The Worm That Turned (Jody Lynn Nye)
169: Department Of Death Predictions, Final Notice (Tina Gower)
173: Champions Of Breakfast (Zach Shephard)
191: Keeping Ahead (Mike Resnick)
211: So You've Metamorphosed Into A Giant Insect. Now What? (James Aquilone)
215: Confessions Of An Interplanetary Art Fraud (Michael J. Martinez)
227: Texts From My Mother About The Alien Invasion (Tina Connolly)
233: Support Your Local Alien (Gini Koch)
265: Conversation Topics To Avoid On A First Date With Yourself (Jonathan Ems)
273: The Monkey Treatment (George R. R. Martin)
307: Abschnitt: About the Editor
307: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 5 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2015 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 5 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 295 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-9-5 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-9-5, Eurobuch:9780988432895, ISFDB:588471 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: My Enemy, The Unicorn (Bill Ferris)
15: The Trouble With Hairy (David Gerrold)
33: B.U.M.P. In The Knight (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
53: If I Could Give This Time Machine Zero Stars, I Would (James Wesley Rogers)
57: The Π Files (Laura Resnick)
77: Prophet Margins (Zach Shephard)
89: The Deliverable (Shaenon K. Garrity)
109: The Mayoral Stakes (Mike Resnick)
131: Rude Mechanicals (Jody Lynn Nye)
149: Kaylee The Huntress (Tim Pratt)
171: Best Chef Season Three: Tau Ceti E (Caroline M. Yoachim)
181: Won't You Please Give One Of These Species-Planets A Second Chance? (Nathan Hillstrom)
199: Fantastic Coverage (Mitchell Shanklin)
203: Mistaken Identity (Daniel J. Davis)
221: Customer Service Hobgoblin (Paul R. Hardy)
235: The Lesser Of Two Evils (Shane Halbach)
249: Appointment At Titlanitza (Fred Stesney)
263: The Problem With Poofs (Gini Koch)
293: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
295: Abschnitt: About the Editor
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 6 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2017 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 6 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 295 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9992690-0-8 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9992690-0-8, Eurobuch:9780999269008, ISFDB:637499 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
25: The Breakdown Of The Parasite/Host Relationship (Paul R. Hardy)
43: From This She Makes A Living? (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
63: Twenty-Nine Responses To Inquiries About My Craigslist Post: Alien Spaceship For Sale. $200, You Haul (Tina Connolly)
69: Tyle The Snot Elemental Scours The Newspaper, Searching For Change (Zach Shephard)
79: Agent Of Chaos (Jack Campbell)
103: Display Of Affection (P. J. Sambeaux)
111: The Great Manhattan Eat-Off (Mike Resnick)
131: An Evil Opportunity Employer (Lawrence Watt-Evans)
139: Common Scents (Jody Lynn Nye)
153: A Mountain Man And A Cat Walk Into A Bar (Alan Dean Foster)
169: Lost And Found (Laura Resnick)
183: A Crawlspace Full Of Prizes (Bill Ferris)
195: Return To Sender (Melissa Mead)
199: The Friendly Necromancer (Rod M. Santos)
219: An Open Letter To The Sentient AI Who Has Announced Its Intention To Take Over The Earth (Ken Liu)
223: Approved Expense (David Vierling)
237: Alexander Outland: Space Jockey (Gini Koch als G. J. Koch)
257: Dear Joyce (Langley Hyde)
265: Impress Me, Then We'll Talk About The Money [russisch: Удиви меня. А потом поговорим о деньгах] (Tatiana Ivanova) [Alex Shvartsman]
293: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
295: Abschnitt: About the Editor
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 7 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2018 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 7 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 281 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-7200-9488-3 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-7200-9488-3, Eurobuch:9781720094883, ISFDB:683884 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: The Dragon, The Drudge, And The Drone (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
21: Chad Versus The Rebel Alliance (Shane Halbach)
39: The Secret Destiny of Heroes (Matthew Bailey)
51: Old School: An Oral History of Captain Dick Chase (Val Nolan)
67: Take Meme To Your Leader (Jennifer Lee Rossman)
75: Contractual Obligations (C. Flynt)
89: Bimble Bimble Bop Bop! (Richard Anderson)
97: The Sit Down (Laura Resnick)
111: The Ebony Egg (David Vierling)
125: The Day After Halloween (Greg Sisco)
137: Falling's Free, Gravity Costs (Seanan McGuire)
153: Mission Log Nuptials (Langley Hyde)
161: Quick Cash In The Old Kingdom (Elin Korund)
177: Key Fang And Klaw (Fred Stesney)
189: The Vampire's Apprentice (Gini Koch)
207: The Assassination of 2063 (David Vaughan)
215: Dethroning The Campeen (Mike Resnick)
237: Spear Carriers' Union #109 (Jamie Gilman Kress)
243: The Fermi Loneliness Problem (Beth Goder)
259: Three Ways To Leave Hawaii (Zach Shephard)
279: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
281: Abschnitt: About the Editor
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 8 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2020 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 8 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 293 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-951064-01-3 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-951064-01-3, Eurobuch:9781951064013, ISFDB:805478 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: The 10:40 Appointment At The NYC Department Of Superhero Registration (Chris Hepler)
19: Soul Trade (Galen Westlake)
27: A.I., M.D. (Kurt Pankau)
39: The Fellowship Of The Mangled Scepter (James Wesley Rogers)
55: When The "Martians" Returned (David Gerrold)
71: Welcome Home (Simon R. Green)
77: The Unwelcome Mat (J. J. Litke)
87: Get Me To The Firg-<Click><Cough>-Xulb On Time (Laura Resnick)
103: Black Note, In His Transition To A Supreme State Of Wokeness (James Beamon)
133: C.A.T. Squad (Gini Koch)
149: Ambrose Starkisser Encounters That Which Is Locked (Jordan Chase-Young)
155: Gommy (Amy Lynwander)
165: Journey To Perfection (Larry Hodges)
177: Fifteen Minutes (Mike Morgan)
191: Zaznar The Great's Fifty-Sixth Proposal To The Council For Urban Investment (Jared Oliver Adams)
195: Terribly And Terrifyingly Normal (Illimani Ferreira)
211: Couch Quest (Eric D. Leavitt)
225: Pet Care For The Modern Mad Scientist (Michael M. Jones)
233: The Punctuation Factory (Beth Goder)
237: One Born Every Minute (C. Flynt)
245: Shy And Retiring (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
263: The Dangers Of Suburban Deer (Jamie Lackey)
267: Body Double (Jody Lynn Nye)
291: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
293: Abschnitt: About the Editor
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 9 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2022 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 9 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 345 | |
Preis | 17.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-951064-03-7 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-951064-03-7, Eurobuch:9781951064037, ISFDB:923655 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
v: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
1: The Hero of Small Things (Amanda Saville)
15: Chai Noon (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
37: If Pages Could Blush (Kyle A. Massa)
53: The Time Loop Device Is Counting Down (Beth Goder)
61: Crouching Down, Hidden Polka (Jim C. Hines)
81: Sgt. Yeti (Gini Koch)
107: The Geeat Beyond Commands (John Wiswell)
113: The Second Wish (James Beamon)
125: These Three Aliens Walk Into A Bar (Simon R. Green)
133: Our Most Sincere Apologies To The People Of Brazil (Jane Espenson)
147: Liability Insurance Policy For Immortals, Cryptids, And Other Magical Beings: Annual Newsletter (Tina Connolly)
151: The Shadchen Of Venus (Lavie Tidhar)
173: Cory Sucks (Auston Habershaw)
195: Sunnyside Daycare Employees' Chat Log, Post Alien Takeover (Amanda Helms)
205: Cooking Up Trouble (C. Flynt)
217: Right To Remain Silent (Jody Lynn Nye)
143: Auntie Elsie's Compleat Guide To Heartbreak (Tim Pratt)
261: Troll Bridge (Adam Gaylord)
265: Do Gumshoes Dream Of Electric Sleep? (David Vierling)
289: Hell's Bureaucracy (David Hankins)
305: A Crisis Of Fate (Zach Shephard)
331: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
333: Abschnitt: About the Editor
335: Auszug: The Middling Affliction: Chapter 1 (Alex Shvartsman)