Autor - Hodges, Larry

TitelFunny Horror
Alex Shvartsman - Funny Horror: Vorn
Alex Shvartsman
Funny Horror
Alex Shvartsman - Funny Horror: Hinten
Alex Shvartsman
Funny Horror
AutorAlex Shvartsman
GenreScience Fiction
Preis14.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-5430-0689-6
VerlagUFO Publishing
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: No Children, No Pets (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
25: 43 Responses to "In Memory of Dr. Alexandra Nako" (Barbara A. Barnett)
39: Kvetchula's Daughter (Darrell Schweitzer)
61: The Great VüDü Linux Teen Zombie Massacree (Lucy A. Snyder)
75: Good Neighbors (Amanda C. Davis)
93: Happily and Righteously (Larry Hodges)
99: Stalking the Zombie (Mike Resnick)
125: Restless in R'Lyeh (Oliver Buckram)
135: P.R. Problems (Eric James Stone)
145: Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream (Tarl Kudrick)
163: Death: A List (Tanya Bryan)
167: Soccer Mom Smackdown (Julia S. Mandala)
181: The God Whisperer (Daniel J. Davis)
191: Meet and Greet (Jamie Todd Rubin)
197: Something Virtual this Way Comes (Laura Resnick)
213: The Story of Emily and Control (Scott Alexander)
223: Howl! (Jody Lynn Nye)
247: Final Corrections (M. Bennardo)
251: Abschnitt: About The Editor
TitelUnidentified Funny Objects 8
Alex Shvartsman - Unidentified Funny Objects 8: Vorn
Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects 8
Alex Shvartsman - Unidentified Funny Objects 8: Hinten
Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects 8
AutorAlex Shvartsman
SerieUnidentified Funny Objects 8
GenreScience Fiction
Preis15.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-951064-01-3
VerlagUFO Publishing
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: The 10:40 Appointment At The NYC Department Of Superhero Registration (Chris Hepler)
19: Soul Trade (Galen Westlake)
27: A.I., M.D. (Kurt Pankau)
39: The Fellowship Of The Mangled Scepter (James Wesley Rogers)
55: When The "Martians" Returned (David Gerrold)
71: Welcome Home (Simon R. Green)
77: The Unwelcome Mat (J. J. Litke)
87: Get Me To The Firg-<Click><Cough>-Xulb On Time (Laura Resnick)
103: Black Note, In His Transition To A Supreme State Of Wokeness (James Beamon)
117: The Other Ted (Wendy Mass & Rob Dircks)
133: C.A.T. Squad (Gini Koch)
149: Ambrose Starkisser Encounters That Which Is Locked (Jordan Chase-Young)
155: Gommy (Amy Lynwander)
165: Journey To Perfection (Larry Hodges)
177: Fifteen Minutes (Mike Morgan)
191: Zaznar The Great's Fifty-Sixth Proposal To The Council For Urban Investment (Jared Oliver Adams)
195: Terribly And Terrifyingly Normal (Illimani Ferreira)
211: Couch Quest (Eric D. Leavitt)
225: Pet Care For The Modern Mad Scientist (Michael M. Jones)
233: The Punctuation Factory (Beth Goder)
237: One Born Every Minute (C. Flynt)
245: Shy And Retiring (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
263: The Dangers Of Suburban Deer (Jamie Lackey)
267: Body Double (Jody Lynn Nye)
291: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
293: Abschnitt: About the Editor