Autor - Mandala, Julia S.

TitelChicks and Balances
Esther M. Friesner & John Helfers - Chicks and Balances: Vorn
Esther M. Friesner & John Helfers
Chicks and Balances
Esther M. Friesner & John Helfers - Chicks and Balances: Hinten
Esther M. Friesner & John Helfers
Chicks and Balances
AutorenEsther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner & John Helfers
SerieChicks in Chainmail 6
Preis15.00 US-Dollar, 20.00 Kanadische Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-4767-8063-4
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
5: A Chick Off the Old Block (Jody Lynn Nye)
21: The Girls from the Hood (Jim C. Hines)
35: Smackdown at Walmart (Elizabeth A. Vaughan)
51: The Mammyth (Harry Turtledove)
61: Give a Girl a Sword (Kerrie Hughes als Kerrie L. Hughes)
73: Bite Me (Steven Harper Piziks)
87: Dark Pixii (Wen Spencer)
103: A Warrior Looks at 40 (Julia S. Mandala)
115: Roll Model (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
129: Second Hand Hero (Jean Rabe)
143: Burying Treasure (Alex Shvartsman)
153: Calling the Mom Squad (Sarah A. Hoyt)
167: Rabid Weasels (Robin Wayne Bailey)
181: A Girl's Home Is Her Rent-Controlled Castle (Laura Resnick)
197: ... And Your Enemies Closer (Lee Martindale)
209: Knot and the Dragon (P. C. Hodgell)
217: The Rules of the Game: A Poker Boy Story (Dean Wesley Smith)
231: Beginner's Luck (Linda L. Donahue)
243: One Touch of Hippolyta (Laura Frankos)
259: Saving Private Slime (Louisa Swann)
277: Unearthing the Undying Armor (Elizabeth Ann Scraborough)
291: Fashion and the Snarkmeisters (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
307: Abschnitt: About the Authors
315: Abschnitt: About Esther Friesner
317: Abschnitt: About John Helfers
TitelFunny Horror
Alex Shvartsman - Funny Horror: Vorn
Alex Shvartsman
Funny Horror
Alex Shvartsman - Funny Horror: Hinten
Alex Shvartsman
Funny Horror
AutorAlex Shvartsman
GenreScience Fiction
Preis14.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-1-5430-0689-6
VerlagUFO Publishing
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: No Children, No Pets (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
25: 43 Responses to "In Memory of Dr. Alexandra Nako" (Barbara A. Barnett)
39: Kvetchula's Daughter (Darrell Schweitzer)
61: The Great VüDü Linux Teen Zombie Massacree (Lucy A. Snyder)
75: Good Neighbors (Amanda C. Davis)
93: Happily and Righteously (Larry Hodges)
99: Stalking the Zombie (Mike Resnick)
125: Restless in R'Lyeh (Oliver Buckram)
135: P.R. Problems (Eric James Stone)
145: Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream (Tarl Kudrick)
163: Death: A List (Tanya Bryan)
167: Soccer Mom Smackdown (Julia S. Mandala)
181: The God Whisperer (Daniel J. Davis)
191: Meet and Greet (Jamie Todd Rubin)
197: Something Virtual this Way Comes (Laura Resnick)
213: The Story of Emily and Control (Scott Alexander)
223: Howl! (Jody Lynn Nye)
247: Final Corrections (M. Bennardo)
251: Abschnitt: About The Editor