Titel | Funny Horror | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2017 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 251 | |
Preis | 14.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-5430-0689-6 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-5430-0689-6, Eurobuch:9781543006896, ISFDB:622276 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: No Children, No Pets (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
25: 43 Responses to "In Memory of Dr. Alexandra Nako" (Barbara A. Barnett)
39: Kvetchula's Daughter (Darrell Schweitzer)
61: The Great VüDü Linux Teen Zombie Massacree (Lucy A. Snyder)
75: Good Neighbors (Amanda C. Davis)
93: Happily and Righteously (Larry Hodges)
99: Stalking the Zombie (Mike Resnick)
125: Restless in R'Lyeh (Oliver Buckram)
135: P.R. Problems (Eric James Stone)
145: Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream (Tarl Kudrick)
163: Death: A List (Tanya Bryan)
167: Soccer Mom Smackdown (Julia S. Mandala)
181: The God Whisperer (Daniel J. Davis)
191: Meet and Greet (Jamie Todd Rubin)
197: Something Virtual this Way Comes (Laura Resnick)
213: The Story of Emily and Control (Scott Alexander)
223: Howl! (Jody Lynn Nye)
247: Final Corrections (M. Bennardo)
251: Abschnitt: About The Editor
| |
Titel | Funny Science Fiction | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2015 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 283 | |
Preis | 14.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-7-1 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-7-1, Eurobuch:9780988432871, ISFDB:557517 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: Observation Post (Mike Resnick)
43: Flying on My Hatred of My Neighbor's Dog (Shaenon K. Garrity)
59: Wikihistory (Desmond Warzel)
67: Distant Gates of Eden Gleam (Brian Trent)
89: Half a Conversation, Overheard While Inside an Enormous Sentient Slug (Oliver Buckram)
119: Whaliens (Lavie Tidhar)
145: Kallakak's Cousins (Cat Rambo)
167: Kulturkampf (Anatoly Belilovsky)
173: Let Us Now Praise Awesome Dinosaurs (Leonard Richardson)
189: Miss Darcy's First Intergalactic Ballet Class (Dantzel Cherry)
207: Pidgin (Lawrence M. Schoen)
213: Nothing, Ventured (James Beamon)
223: Last Thursday at Supervillain Supply Depot (Sarah Pinsker)
229: Chicka-Chicka-Bow-Bow (Mike Rimar)
247: Troublesolving (Tim Pratt)
283: Abschnitt: About the Editor
283: Abschnitt: About the Cover Artist
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 3 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2014 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 3 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 303 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-4-0 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-4-0, Eurobuch:9780988432840, ISFDB:483367 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: On The Efficacy Of Supervillain Battles In Eliciting Therapeutic Breakthroughs (Jim C. Hines)
19: The Right Answer (James A. Miller)
29: The Gefilte Fish Girl (Mike Resnick)
39: Mast Of Business Apocalypse (Jakob Drud)
53: Carla At The Off-Planet Tax Return Helpline (Caroline M. Yoachim)
59: Why I Bought Satan Two Cokes On The Day I Graduated High School (Nathaniel Lee)
79: Company Store (Robert Silverberg)
97: The Door-To-Door Salesthing From Planet X (Josh Vogt)
101: Picture Perfect (Matt Mikalatos)
117: The Discounted Seniors (James Beamon)
131: The Must Be Them Now (Karen Haber)
149: Notes To My Past And/Or Alternate Selves (Sarah Pinsker)
153: The Real And The Really Real (Tim Pratt)
163: Into The Woods, With Zombunny (Camille Griep)
179: Live At The Scene (Gini Koch)
191: The Newsboy's Last Stand (Krystal Claxton)
201: The Full Lazenby (Jeremy Butler)
213: Do Not Remove This Tag (Piers Anthony)
227: Super-Baby-Moms Group Saves The Day! (Tina Connolly)
245: The Choochoomorphosis (Oliver Buckram)
259: Elections At Villa Encantada (Cat Rambo)
275: Infinite Drive (Jody Lynn Nye)
303: Abschnitt: About the Editor
303: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
| |
Titel | Unidentified Funny Objects 4 | |
Autor | Alex Shvartsman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2015 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Unidentified Funny Objects 4 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 307 | |
Preis | 15.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-9884328-6-4 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-9884328-6-4, Eurobuch:9780988432864, ISFDB:540684 | |
Verlag | UFO Publishing | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Foreword (Alex Shvartsman)
3: We Can Get Them For You Wholesale (Neil Gaiman)
15: The Time-Travelling Ghost Machine Of Professor Jaime Peligrosa (Andrew Kaye)
27: Please Approve The Dissertation Reasearch Of Angtor (Caroline M. Yoachim)
35: Match Game (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
51: The Transformation Of Prince Humprey (Brent C. Smith)
55: In The End, You Get Clarity (Laura Pearlman)
67: Project Disaster (Tim Pratt)
75: Hello Hotel (Piers Anthony)
91: Bob's No-Kill Monster Shelter (Ian Creasey)
103: Board Meeting Minutes (Oliver Buckram)
107: Armed For You (Anaea Lay)
119: The Unfortunate Problem Of Grandmother's Head (Karen Haber)
137: My Mother Loves Her Robot More Than Me And I Feel Bad (Eric Kaplan)
145: The Worm That Turned (Jody Lynn Nye)
169: Department Of Death Predictions, Final Notice (Tina Gower)
173: Champions Of Breakfast (Zach Shephard)
191: Keeping Ahead (Mike Resnick)
211: So You've Metamorphosed Into A Giant Insect. Now What? (James Aquilone)
215: Confessions Of An Interplanetary Art Fraud (Michael J. Martinez)
227: Texts From My Mother About The Alien Invasion (Tina Connolly)
233: Support Your Local Alien (Gini Koch)
265: Conversation Topics To Avoid On A First Date With Yourself (Jonathan Ems)
273: The Monkey Treatment (George R. R. Martin)
307: Abschnitt: About the Editor
307: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments