Titel | Smoke and Mirrors - Short Fictions And Illusions | |
Autor | Neil Gaiman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 16 | |
Jahr | 2005-09, Erstausgabe: 1998-11 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 367 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar, 9.99 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-380-78902-3 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-380-78902-3, Eurobuch:9780380789023, ISFDB:655124 | |
Verlag | Avon Books | |
Inhalt |
xv: Gedicht: Reading the Entrails: A Rondel
1: An Introduction - The Wedding Present
35: Chivalry
50: Nicolas Was ...
51: The Prince
59: Troll Bridge
71: Don't Ask Jack
74: The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories
111: Gedicht: The White Road
123: Queen of Knives
133: Changes
144: The Daughter of Owls
147: Shoggoth's Old Peculiar
160: Gedicht: Virus
163: Looking for the Girl
176: Only the End of the World Again
196: Gedicht: Bay Wolf
204: We Can Get Them for You Wholesale
215: One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock
231: Cold Colors
242: The Sweeper of Dreams
244: Foreign Parts
261: Vampire Sestina
263: Mouse
273: Gedicht: The Sea Change
278: When We Went to See the End of the World by Dawnie Morningside, age 11 ¼
285: Desert Wind
287: Tastings
296: Babycakes
298: Murder Mysteries
331: Snow, Glas, Apples
349: Auszug: Anansi Boys