Titel | Smoke and Mirrors - Short Fictions And Illusions | |
Autor | Neil Gaiman | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 16 | |
Jahr | 2005-09, Erstausgabe: 1998-11 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 367 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar, 9.99 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-0-380-78902-3 | |
Links | Amazon:978-0-380-78902-3, Eurobuch:9780380789023, ISFDB:655124 | |
Verlag | Avon Books | |
Inhalt |
xv: Gedicht: Reading the Entrails: A Rondel
1: An Introduction - The Wedding Present
35: Chivalry
50: Nicolas Was ...
51: The Prince
59: Troll Bridge
71: Don't Ask Jack
74: The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories
111: Gedicht: The White Road
123: Queen of Knives
133: Changes
144: The Daughter of Owls
147: Shoggoth's Old Peculiar
160: Gedicht: Virus
163: Looking for the Girl
176: Only the End of the World Again
196: Gedicht: Bay Wolf
204: We Can Get Them for You Wholesale
215: One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock
231: Cold Colors
242: The Sweeper of Dreams
244: Foreign Parts
261: Vampire Sestina
263: Mouse
273: Gedicht: The Sea Change
278: When We Went to See the End of the World by Dawnie Morningside, age 11 ¼
285: Desert Wind
287: Tastings
296: Babycakes
298: Murder Mysteries
331: Snow, Glas, Apples
349: Auszug: Anansi Boys
| |
Titel | Supernova - There's nowhere to hide when the heavens explode | |
Autoren | Roger MacBride Allen & Eric Kotani | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Roman | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1991-10 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 345 | |
Preis | 4.50 US-Dollar, 5.50 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-380-76060-6, ISBN13: 978-0-380-76060-2 | |
Links | Amazon:0-380-76060-6, Eurobuch:0380760606, ISFDB:33846 | |
Verlag | Avon Books | |
Titel | Tales From The Spaceport Bar | |
Autoren | George H. Scithers & Darrell Schweitzer | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 2 | |
Jahr | 1987-01 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 235 | |
Preis | 3.50 US-Dollar, 4.95 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-380-89943-4, ISBN13: 978-0-380-89943-2 | |
Links | Amazon:0-380-89943-4, Eurobuch:0380899434, ISFDB:34289 | |
Verlag | Avon Books | |
Inhalt |
1: The Green Marauder (Larry Niven)
7: Don't Look Now (Henry Kuttner)
33: What Goes Up (Arthur C. Clarke)
47: Gedicht: Social Lapses (Darrell Schweitzer)
49: One for the Road (Gardner R. Dozois als Gardner Dozois)
65: Unicorn Variation (Roger Zelazny)
95: Strategy at the Billards Club (Lord Dunsany)
103: Through Time & Space with Ferdinand Feghoot! (Grendel Briarton)
107: On the Rocks at Slab's (John Gregory Betancourt)
117: Hands of the Man (R. A. Lafferty)
129: Endurance Vile (Steven Barnes)
141: The Centipede's Dilemma (Spider Robinson)
149: The Causes (Margaret St. Clair)
163: For a Foggy Night (Larry Niven)
173: They Loved Me in Utica (Avram Davidson)
179: A Pestilence of Psychoanalysts (Janet O. Jeppson)
189: The Regulars (Robert Silverberg)
203: The Man Who Always Knew (Algis Budrys)
211: Infinite Resources (Randall Garrett)
| |
Titel | The Key Word and Other Mysteries | |
Autor | Isaac Asimov | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 1979-03 | |
Buchformat | Hardcover | |
Serie | Larry Mysteries 1 | |
Genre | Krimi | |
Seiten | 54 | |
Preis | 1.25 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-380-43224-2, ISBN13: 978-0-380-43224-0 | |
Links | Amazon:0-380-43224-2, Eurobuch:0380432242, ISFDB:294479 | |
Verlag | Avon Books | |
Kommentar | Scheinbar kein originales Hardcover, sondern ein von der Bibliothek gewandeltes Paperback | |
Inhalt |
7: The Key Word
17: Santa Claus Gets a Coin
27: Sarah Tops
36: The Thirteenth Day of Christmas
45: A Case of Need
| |
Titel | Science Fiction of the Thirties | |
Autor | Damon Knight | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1977-05 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 469 | |
Preis | 4.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-380-00904-8, ISBN13: 978-0-380-00904-6 | |
Links | Amazon:0-380-00904-8, Eurobuch:0380009048, ISFDB:29130 | |
Verlag | Avon Books (31708) | |
Inhalt |
ix: Kommentar: Foreword (Damon Knight)
1: Abschnitt: The Early Years (Damon Knight)
6: Out Around Rigel (Robert H. Wilson)
28: The Fifth-Dimension Catapult (Murray Leinster)
84: Into the Meteorite Orbit (Frank K. Kelly)
116: The Battery of Hate (John W. Campbell Jr.)
154: Abschnitt: The Middle Period (Damon Knight)
158: The Wall (Ph. D. Howard W. Graham)
174: The Lost Language (M. D. David H. Keller)
186: The Last Men (Frank Belknap Long)
196: The Other (Ph. D. Howard W. Graham)
212: The Mad Moon (Stanley G. Weinbaum)
236: Davey Jones' Ambassador (Raymond Z. Gallun)
270: Alas, All Thinking! (Harry Bates)
308: The Time Decelerator (A. Macfadyen Jr.)
326: The Council of Drones (William K. Sonnemann)
367: Abschnitt: The End (Damon Knight)
412: Hyperpilosity (Lyon Sprague de Camp)
426: Pithecanthropus Rejectus (Manly Wade Wellman)
438: The Merman (Lyon Sprague de Camp)
454: The Day Is Done (Lester del Rey)
469: Abschnitt: Bibliography