Titel | Catfantastic II | |
Autoren | Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1991-01 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy, Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 318 | |
Preis | 4.50 US-Dollar, 4.95 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-88677-461-6, ISBN13: 978-0-88677-461-5 | |
Links | Amazon:0-88677-461-6, Eurobuch:0886774616, ISFDB:301195 | |
Verlag | DAW (839) | |
Inhalt |
vii: Kommentar: Introduction
9: Bomber And The Bismarck (Clare Bell)
39: A Puma And A Panther (Wilanne Schneider Belden)
49: The Last Gift (Elizabeth H. Boyer)
78: Papercut Luck (Patricia B. Cirone)
91: Shado (Marylois Dunn)
105: In Bastet's Service (P. M. Griffin)
124: Shadows (Caralyn Inks)
144: The Execution (A. R. Major)
156: Hermione At Moon House (Ardath Mayhar)
178: Ede's Earrings (Sasha Miller)
194: Clara's Cat (Elizabeth Moon)
213: Hob's Pot (Andre Norton)
235: The Queen's Cat's Tale (Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
253: The Keep-Shape Spell (Mary H. Schaub)
273: Of Age And Wisdom (Roger C. Schlobin)
283: Critical Cats (Susan Shwartz)
304: In Carnation (Nancy Springer)