Titel | Die Kristallsängerin | |
Autor | Anne McCaffrey | |
Übersetzer | Barbara Heidkamp | |
Sprache | deutsch | |
Buchtyp | Roman | |
Originaltitel | Crystal Singer (englisch) | |
Jahr | 1984, englisch: 1982 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Kristallsänger 1 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 394 | |
Preis | 8.80 Deutsche Mark, 67.50 Österreichische Schilling | |
ISBN | 3-404-24057-X, ISBN13: 978-3-404-24057-9 | |
Links | Amazon:3-404-24057-X, Eurobuch:340424057X, ISFDB:732428 | |
Verlag | Bastei (24057) | |
Titel | Killashandra | |
Autor | Anne McCaffrey | |
Übersetzer | Jürgen Langowski | |
Sprache | deutsch | |
Buchtyp | Roman | |
Originaltitel | Killashandra (englisch) | |
Auflage | 1 (Deutsche Erstausgabe) | |
Jahr | 1990, englisch: 1985 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Kristallsänger 2 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 397 | |
Preis | 12.80 Deutsche Mark | |
ISBN | 3-453-04314-6, ISBN13: 978-3-453-04314-5 | |
Links | Amazon:3-453-04314-6, Eurobuch:3453043146, ISFDB:732431 | |
Verlag | Heyne (06/4728) | |
Titel | Killashandra | |
Autor | Anne McCaffrey | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Roman | |
Jahr | 1991, Erstausgabe: 1985 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Serie | Kristallsänger 2 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 375 | |
Preis | 4.50 US-Dollar | |
Gewicht | 180g | |
ISBN | 0-345-31600-2, ISBN13: 978-0-345-31600-4 | |
Links | Amazon:0-345-31600-2, Eurobuch:0345316002, ISFDB:301399 | |
Verlag | Del Rey (Ballantine Books) | |
Klappentext |
Bad Vibrations
Killashandra Ree's life was one of catastrophic changes. She had joined the Heptite Guild to become a Crystal Singer, get rich, and forget her past. And at first everything went just as she had hoped. In one season on the deadly beautiful world of Ballybran, she had sung Black Crystal, grown wealthy, and met a man who made her sorrows seem unworthy of notice. But then, a year later, a devasting storm turned her claim to useless rock. In short order she was broke, she had crystal sickness so bad she thought she'd die, and the only way she could be true to the man she loved was to leave him... | |
Titel | Crystal Line | |
Autor | Anne McCaffrey | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Roman | |
Jahr | 1992 | |
Buchformat | Hardcover, Schutzumschlag | |
Serie | Kristallsänger 3 | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 231 | |
Preis | 20.00 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-345-37984-5, ISBN13: 978-0-345-37984-9 | |
Links | Amazon:0-345-37984-5, Eurobuch:0345379845, ISFDB:8406 | |
Verlag | Del Rey (Ballantine Books) | |
Inhalt |
231: Abschnitt: About The Author