Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction Mar/Apr 2010 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2010-03 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.00 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:311194 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
7: Kommentar: Editorial (Gordon van Gelder)
9: Amor Fugit (Alexandra Duncan)
31: Abschnitt: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
40: Abschnitt: Books (Elizabeth Hand)
48: Fort Clay, Louisiana: A Tragical Hsitory (Albert E. Cowdrey)
68: Star-Crossed (Timothy Robert Sullivan als Tim Sullivan)
103: Make-Believe (Michael Reaves)
114: Waiting for the Phone to Ring (Richard Bowes)
140: Epidapheles and the Insufficiently Affectionate Ocelot (Ramsey Shehadeh)
157: Abschnitt: Plumage From Pegasus: Throw the Books at Them! (Paul di Filippo)
161: The Frog Comrade (Benjamin Rosenbaum)
170: The Fairy Princess (Dennis Danvers)
187: Abschnitt: Films: A Sentimental Journey (Lucius Shepard)
202: Blue Fire (Bruce McAllister)
221: Class Trip (Rand B. Lee)
256: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
258: Abschnitt: Curiosities: Beware the Cat, by William Baldwin (Rick Norwood)
| |
Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov/Dec 2014 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2014-11 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar | |
ISSN | 1095-8258 | |
Links | ISFDB:487937 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
5: I'll Follow The Sun (Paul di Filippo)
38: Abschnitt: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
48: Abschnitt: Musing on Books (Michelle West)
56: Yeshuas's Dog (Timothy Robert Sullivan als Tim Sullivan)
70: Nanabojou at the World's Fair (Justin Barbeau)
80: The Judging (Rand B. Lee)
126: Feral Frolics (Scott Baker)
143: Abschnitt: Films: On Novelizing Noah (Alan Dean Foster)
146: The Bomb Thing (K. J. Kabza als KJ Kabza)
163: Golden Girl (Albert E. Cowdrey)
183: Abschnitt: Films: Coming Soon To A Tablet Near You (Kathi Maio)
189: The Old Science Fiction Writer (David Gerrold)
196: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
197: Hollywood North (Michael Libling)
253: Abschnitt: Competition #88: Anagram/Raga Man
254: Abschnitt: Competition #89: Limerick Challenge
256: Abschnitt: Index to Volumes 126 & 127, January-December 2014
258: Abschnitt: Curiosities: The Condemned Playground, By Cryil Connolly (1945) (David Langford)
| |
Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction Sept/Oct 2012 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2012-09 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.50 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:396847 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
5: Close Encounters (Andy Duncan)
36: Abschnitt: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
45: Abschnitt: Books (Chris Moriarty)
53: Father Juniper's Journey to the North (Grania Davis)
69: Gedicht: Contact (Sophie M. White)
70: The Sheriff (Albert E. Cowdrey als Chet Arthur)
90: 12:03 P.M. (Richard A. Lupoff)
114: Give Up (Richard Butner)
128: Abschnitt: Plumage from Pegasus: Call Me Ishmael: Choose LIKE/DISLIKE (Paul di Filippo)
132: A Diary from Deimos (Michael Alexander)
144: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
145: Where the Summer Dwells (Lynda E. Rucker)
156: The Goddess (Albert E. Cowdrey)
178: Arc (Ken Liu)
204: Abschnitt: Films: Beauty Fades, But Fairy Tales Never Die (Kathi Maio)
211: Theobroma Valentine (Rand B. Lee)
228: Troll Blood (Peter Dickinson)
258: Abschnitt: Curiosities: The Clock That Went Backward by Edward Page Mitchell (Chris de Vito)