Autor - Quense, Hank

TitelDragons, Droids & Doom - Year One
Iulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot - Dragons, Droids & Doom - Year One: Vorn
Iulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot
Dragons, Droids & Doom - Year One
Iulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot - Dragons, Droids & Doom - Year One: Hinten
Iulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot
Dragons, Droids & Doom - Year One
AutorenIulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot
GenreScience Fiction
Preis16.99 US-Dollar
ISBNISBN13: 978-0-9916619-9-2
VerlagFantasy Scroll Press
9: Kommentar: Editor's Note (Iulian Ionescu & Frederick Doot)
13: Kommentar: Introduction (Mike Resnick)
15: Da Capo Al Fine (Patrick G. Jameson)
21: A Trade of Tears (Tony Peak)
31: The Unforgiving Minute (Seth Chambers)
41: Single-Bit Error (Ken Liu)
57: The Sculptor's Son (Jason Gorbel)
61: Four Scenes From Wieczniak's Whisk-U-Way, And One Not (Ferrett Steinmetz)
69: In the Shadow of Dyrhólaey (K. J. Jabza als KJ Jabza)
79: Letters to the Editor of Tempestas Arcana (Alexander Plummer)
81: Descant (Piers Anthony)
91: My Favourite Photos of Anne (Aaron Polson)
99: Missing Tessa (Anna Yeatts)
105: Circus in the Bloodwarm Rain (Cat Rambo)
113: A Concert of Flowers (Kate O'Connor)
123: The Memory-Setter's Apprentice (Alvaro Zinos-Amaro)
137: Winter Solstice (Mike Resnick)
147: Kindle My Heart (Rebecca Birch)
155: The Dragonmaster's Ghost (Henry Szabranski)
167: The Peacemaker (Rachel A. Brune)
177: Forever (Rachel Pollack)
191: Feeling All Right (Richard Zwicker)
203: Seaside Sirens, 1848 (Anna Zumbro)
205: Verdure (Brandon Barrows)
211: The First First Fire (Alexander Monteagudo)
215: Burn in Me (Carrie Martin)
219: Incriminating Evidence (Charity Tahmaseb)
223: The Contents of the Box with the Ribbon (David Neilsen)
233: Skipping Stones (Erin Cole)
241: Sponsored By... (Hank Quense)
249: Orc Legal (James Beamon)
261: Posthumous (James B. Willard)
273: The Unworthy (J. W. Alden)
275: Your Cities (Anaea Lay)
279: The Fine Art of Fortune-Telling (Michelle Ann King)
289: Verisimilitude (Alan Murdock)
293: Seven Conversations in Locked Rooms (Alex Shvartsman)
299: Passenger Space (Julia Watson)
301: Hither And Yon (Anatoly Belilovsky)
309: Marshmallow Walls (Brittany Foster)
311: Your Lair or Mine? (Cathy Bryant)
313: Shades of the Past (Kurt Kirchmeier)
327: Grimm's Home for Geriatrics (Rebecca Demarest)
329: These are the Things Our Hands Have Made (Andrew Kozma)
333: Million Hearts in the Valley of Death (Svannah Hendricks)
335: Restart (William Reid)
343: The Perfect Book (Alex Shvartsman)
347: Universe in a Teacup (Seth Chambers)
353: Wind in the Reeds (David Sklar)
355: The Reanimators (J. Kenneth Sargeant)
365: #Dragonspit (William Meikle)
369: JC The Ski Bum (Joyce Reynolds-Ward)
377: Smew of Skray (Rebecca Brown)
379: Abschnitt: About the Authors
389: Abschnitt: About the Editors
391: Abschnitt: About Fantasy Scroll Magazine
393: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
395: Abschnitt: Starlight Patrol