ISBN - 0786712481

TitelThe Return of the Black Widowers
Isaac Asimov - The Return of the Black Widowers: Umschlag vorn
Isaac Asimov
The Return of the Black Widowers
Umschlag vorn:
Isaac Asimov - The Return of the Black Widowers: Umschlag hinten
Isaac Asimov
The Return of the Black Widowers
Umschlag hinten:
AutorIsaac Asimov
BuchformatHardcover, Schutzumschlag
SerieSchwarze Witwer 6
Preis24.00 US-Dollar
ISBN0-7867-1248-1, ISBN13: 978-0-7867-1248-9
VerlagCarroll & Graf
ix: Kommentar: Foreword (Harlan Ellison)
1: Abschnitt: The Best of the Black Widowers
3: The Acquisitive Chuckle
17: Ph As In Phony
35: Early Sunday Morning
53: The Obvious Factor
71: The Iron Gem
91: To the Barest
109: Sixty Million Trillion Combinations
127: The Redhead
145: The Wrong House
163: Triple Devil
181: The Men Who Read Isaac Asimov (William Brittain)
195: Abschnitt: The Uncollected Black Widowers
197: Northwestward
215: Yes, But Why?
231: Lost In a Space Warp
247: Police At the Door
263: The Haunted Cabin
279: The Guest's Guest
293: The Woman in the Bar
313: The LastStory (Charles Ardai)
331: Kommentar: Afterword: Birth of the Black Widowers