Titel | Surviving Tomorrow - A Charity Anthology to Fight COVID-19 | |
Autor | Bryan Thomas Schmidt | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2020-10 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 449 | |
Preis | 19.99 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-953134-02-8 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-953134-02-8, Eurobuch:9781953134028, ISFDB:810028 | |
Verlag | Aeristic Press | |
Inhalt |
i: Kommentar: Introduction (Peter J. Wacks)
1: Last Bus To North Red Lake (Martin L. Shoemaker)
23: When Sysadmins Ruled The Earth (Cory Doctorow)
55: Call It Only (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
67: Face Your Furs (Seanan McGuire)
75: Dale & Mabel (Scott Sigler)
85: Flinch (K. D. McEntire)
99: Carousel (Orson Scott Card)
115: The Monsters Underneath His Bed (Ken Scholes)
121: Lord Of Time (Livia Blackburne)
131: Evacuation (Alan Dean Foster)
153: Writing On The Wall (Jody Lynn Nye)
231: We Can Get Them For You Wholesale (Neil Gaiman)
239: Hopium Den (John Skipp)
247: The Ultimate Wager (Raymund Eich)
261: Bitter Honey (Julie Frost)
267: Voracious Black (Mercedes M. Yardley)
271: A Love Monstrously Grateful (C. Stuart Hardwick)
289: The Sweetness Of Bitter (Beth Cato)
301: Six Lil' Reapers - A Grim Days Mystery (J. Kent Holloway)
319: Impact Mitigation (Jay Werkheiser)
335: Fair Play (Claire Ashgrave)
345: In Their Garden (Brenda Cooper)
353: Empty Nest (Tori Eldridge)
359: Shotgun Wedding (Peter J. Wacks)
361: Once On The Blue Moon (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
387: This Is The Road (Robert Silverberg)
437: Abschnitt: Acknowledgments
438: Abschnitt: Publication & Copyright Credits
440: Abschnitt: Biographies
| |
Titel | When the Hero Comes Home 2 | |
Autoren | Gabrielle Harbowy & Ed Greenwood | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2011 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 309 | |
Preis | 19.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-897492-71-0 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-897492-71-0, Eurobuch:9781897492710, ISFDB:430019 | |
Verlag | Dragon Moon Press | |
Inhalt |
9: Abschnitt: Dedication
11: Waiting for You (Leah Petersen)
26: The Hero of Abarxia (Deborah J. Ross)
42: A Spray of Bittersweet (Andrea G. Stewart)
56: The Clever One (Jamie Wyman)
75: A Sword that Heals (Clint Talbert)
92: Narcolepsy (Robert Neilson)
105: Faces of the Revolution (James L. Sutter)
112: Bringing Back Raby (Chaz Brenchley)
129: Living Bargains (Suzanne Church)
142: Jack Crochety (Larry C. Kay)
154: Juan Caceres in the Zapatero's Workshop (Derek Künsken)
168: The Last Perfect Heart (Fanny Valentine Darling)
183: After the Winds (K. T. Bryski)
196: The Last of the Unicorn Hunters (Diana Peterfreund)
209: Beginning (Jillian Boehme)
219: The Call of the Sky (Cliff Winning)
233: Safe Within You (Mercedes Lackey)
250: Broken (K. D. McEntire)
269: Faith (Chris Wong Sick Hong)
279: Remnants (Erin M. Evans)
293: Vasilissa's Doll (Elaine Cunningham)
301: Abschnitt: About The Authors
309: Abschnitt: About The Editors
| |
Titel | When the Villain Comes Home | |
Autoren | Gabrielle Harbowy & Ed Greenwood | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2012 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 336 | |
Preis | 19.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-897492-49-9 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-897492-49-9, Eurobuch:9781897492499, ISFDB:397893 | |
Verlag | Dragon Moon Press | |
Inhalt |
3: Kommentar: Author's Note
9: Pinktastic and the End of the World (Camille Alexa)
20: Hunger of the Blood Reaver (Erik Scott de Bie)
34: Villainelle (Chaz Brenchley)
46: Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me (Eugie Foster)
58: Prometheus Found (David Sakmyster)
70: Happily Ever After (Marie Bilodeau)
78: The Little Things (Richard Lee Byers)
88: Heels (K. D. McEntire)
99: The Sunshine Baron (Pedar Ó Guilín)
110: Daddy's Little Girl (Jim C. Hines)
122: Than to Serve in Heaven (Ari Marmell)
133: The Bleach (Karin Lowachee)
143: The Woman Who Shattered the Moon (Jay Lake)
153: Charity (Julie E. Czerneda)
165: Maddening Science (J. M. Frey)
183: Birthright (Clint Talbert)
194: Broken Clouds (Rachel Swirsky)
209: The Miscible Imp (Tony Pi)
217: Manmade (Leah Petersen)
228: The Lord of the Southern Sky (J. P. Moore)
235: Back in the Day (Ryan T. McFadden)
247: Robin Redbreast (Todd McCaffrey)
259: Cycle of Revenge (Erik Buchanan)
268: The Presuil's Call (Gregory A. Wilson)
282: The Man With Looking-Glass Eyes (Rosemary Jones)
289: Starkeep (Gabrielle Harbowy)
300: A Lot of Sly Work Ahead (Ed Greenwood)
317: Home Again, Home Again (Another Mid-Death Crisis) (Chris A. Jackson)
326: The Best Laid Plans (Steve Bornstein)
336: Abschnitt: About The Editors