Titel | Analog January/February 2018 Vol CXXXVIII Nos. 1 & 2 | |
Autor | Trevor Quachri | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2017-12 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 208 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar | |
ISSN | 1059-2113 | |
Links | ISFDB:648506 | |
Verlag | Dell Magazines | |
Inhalt |
4: Essay: Guest Editorial: Educational Challenge (Stanley Schmidt)
8: Auszug: The Quntum Magician Part I (Derek Künsken)
60: Essay: Hell Is Other Planets (Julie Novakova)
66: The Journeyman: Through Madness Gap (Michael F. Flynn)
88: Hobson's Choices (Mary A. Turzillo)
96: Ten And Ten (Alan Dean Foster)
102: Margin of Error (Paul Carlson)
104: One To Watch (Andrew Barton)
106: Essay: In Times To Come
107: Essay: The Alternate View: Do Black Holes Really Exist? (John G. Cramer)
110: Home On The Free Range (Holly Schofield)
122: Endless City (David Gerrold)
136: When The Aliens Stop To Bottle (Ian Watson)
143: Two Point Three Childreen (Marissa Lingen)
146: Gedicht: Atomic Numbers (D. A. Xiaolin Spires)
148: Air Gap (Eric Cline)
154: The Dissonant Note (Jeremiah Tolbert)
164: Blurred Lives (Adam-Troy Castro)
193: Gedicht: Wife Of A Particle Physcist (Bruce Boston)
194: Essay: The Reference Library (Don Sakers)
201: Abschnitt: Brass Tacks
204: Abschnitt: The 2017 Index
207: Abschnitt: Analytical Laboratory Ballot: It's Anlab Time Again
208: Abschnitt: Upcomming Events (Anthony R. Lewis als Anthony Lewis)
| |
Titel | The Anthology of Dark Wisdom - The Best of Dark Fiction | |
Autor | William Jones | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2009 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Horror | |
Seiten | 335 | |
Preis | 14.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-934501-14-6 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-934501-14-6, Eurobuch:9781934501146, ISFDB:326974 | |
Verlag | Elder Signs Press | |
Inhalt |
11: Kommentar: Introduction
15: Woman in the Dark (Tom Piccirilli)
29: Please Stand By (Tim Curran)
43: Pragmatic (C. J. Henderson)
67: Vamp Until Ready (Wendy Leeds)
75: Shivering, We Dance (Sherry Decker)
83: Technotriptych (John Shirley)
97: Asia Marsh (Neddal Ayad)
103: A Talent for Trouble (Rachel Gray)
119: The Eccentric (Alan Dean Foster)
127: Hear No Evil (Shane Jiraiya Cummings)
135: Mr. Aickman's Air Rifle (Peter Straub)
175: Son of Mourning (Christopher T. Leland)
183: Ankareh Minu (Richard A. Lupoff)
201: Memories, Red and Wet (Christopher Welch)
209: G (Gene O'Neill)
225: The Robidermist's Steed (Deanna Hoak)
229: The Adventure of the Solitary Grave (Christian Klaver)
275: Plague of Fire (Lee Clark Zumpe)
285: Out of the Shadows (Gerard Houarner)
309: If Mama Ain't Happy (Sam W. Anderson)
321: Mopleoli (Richard Wright)
333: And on the Fourth Day (James Argendeli)
| |
Titel | Weird Tales 336 December 2004 - Vol. 60 No. 4 | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2004 | |
Buchformat | Heft | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 58 | |
Preis | 9.95 US-Dollar | |
ISSN | 0898-5073 | |
Links | ISFDB:153131 | |
Verlag | DNA Publications & Wildside Press & Terminus | |
Inhalt |
7: Kommentar: The Eyrie (Anonym)
16: Essay: The Den (John Gregory Betancourt)
21: The Ghost of Me (Melinda Thielbar)
30: Gedicht: Fall of the Enchanter: A Pantoum (Jon Hansen)
31: Gedicht: Orcale (Jill Bauman)
32: Hearts and Minds (Barbara Krasnoff)
34: Gedicht: Escape (Nicholas Ozment)
35: Gedicht: A Pageful Of Curses (Bruce Boston)
36: Shore Of Night, Shore Of Day (Katrien Rutten)
41: Gedicht: Two Illustrated Limericks (George Barr)
42: Two Cents Worth (Alan Dean Foster)
46: Gedicht: Cemetery Tour, Montreal, Early November 2001 (Darrell Schweitzer)
48: The Upper Berth (F. Marion Crawford)
58: Gedicht: I Have Never ... (Paul Crumrine)