Titel | Analog January/February 2018 Vol CXXXVIII Nos. 1 & 2 | |
Autor | Trevor Quachri | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2017-12 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 208 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar | |
ISSN | 1059-2113 | |
Links | ISFDB:648506 | |
Verlag | Dell Magazines | |
Inhalt |
4: Essay: Guest Editorial: Educational Challenge (Stanley Schmidt)
8: Auszug: The Quntum Magician Part I (Derek Künsken)
60: Essay: Hell Is Other Planets (Julie Novakova)
66: The Journeyman: Through Madness Gap (Michael F. Flynn)
88: Hobson's Choices (Mary A. Turzillo)
96: Ten And Ten (Alan Dean Foster)
102: Margin of Error (Paul Carlson)
104: One To Watch (Andrew Barton)
106: Essay: In Times To Come
107: Essay: The Alternate View: Do Black Holes Really Exist? (John G. Cramer)
110: Home On The Free Range (Holly Schofield)
122: Endless City (David Gerrold)
136: When The Aliens Stop To Bottle (Ian Watson)
143: Two Point Three Childreen (Marissa Lingen)
146: Gedicht: Atomic Numbers (D. A. Xiaolin Spires)
148: Air Gap (Eric Cline)
154: The Dissonant Note (Jeremiah Tolbert)
164: Blurred Lives (Adam-Troy Castro)
193: Gedicht: Wife Of A Particle Physcist (Bruce Boston)
194: Essay: The Reference Library (Don Sakers)
201: Abschnitt: Brass Tacks
204: Abschnitt: The 2017 Index
207: Abschnitt: Analytical Laboratory Ballot: It's Anlab Time Again
208: Abschnitt: Upcomming Events (Anthony R. Lewis als Anthony Lewis)
| |
Titel | Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2008 | |
Autor | Stanley Schmidt | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2008-11 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 144 | |
Preis | 4.99 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:271450 | |
Verlag | Dell Magazines | |
Inhalt |
4: Kommentar: The Great Rush Forward (Stanley Schmidt)
8: Auszug: Wake (Part 1 of 4) (Robert J. Sawyer)
50: Essay: The 3D Trainwreck: How 3D Printing Will Shake Up Manufacturing (Thomas A. Easton)
63: Abschnitt: In Times to Come
64: Greenwich Nasty Time (Carl Frederick)
81: Cold Fire (Alan Dean Foster)
90: Bug Eyes (Richard A. Lovett)
99: Mea Culpa (Stephen L. Burns)
102: Turnings (Jeffery D. Kooistra)
106: Re\Creation (Oz Drummond)
116: Unburning Alexandria (Paul Levinson)
134: Abschnitt: The Reference Library (Thomas A. Easton als Tom Easton)
139: Abschnitt: Brass Tacks
140: Abschnitt: Letter (David R. Palmer)
144: Abschnitt: Upcoming Events (Anthony R. Lewis als Anthony Lewis)
| |
Titel | Analog September/October 2020 Vol CXXXX Nos. 9 & 10 | |
Autor | Trevor Quachri | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2020-09 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 208 | |
Preis | 7.99 US-Dollar | |
ISSN | 1059-2113 | |
Links | ISFDB:789770 | |
Verlag | Dell Magazines | |
Inhalt |
4: Kommentar: Guest Editorial: And the Mome Raths Outgrabe (Sheila Williams)
8: Mimsy Were The Borogoves (Lewis Padgett)
25: Gedicht: After National Geographic (Jason Kahler)
26: Minerva Girls (James van Pelt)
38: Essay: The Science Behind The House of Stynx (Derek Künsken)
45: Gedicht: Yes, Antimatter is Real (Holly Lyn Walrath)
46: Where There's Life (John J. Vester)
61: The Chrysalis Pool (Sean McMullen)
70: A Skyful of Wings (Aimee Ogden)
78: Going Small (Jacob C. Cockcroft)
82: True Colors (Beth Goder)
84: Essay: The Alternate View: Where's All the Antimatter? (John G. Cramer)
87: Drive Safely (Stephen S. Power)
94: The Home of the King (Dan Reade)
104: Essay: In Times To Come
105: City (Joel Richards)
112: Seeding The Mountain (M. L. Clark)
132: The Writhing Tentacles of History (Jay Werkheiser)
140: The Treasure of the Lugar Morto (Alan Dean Foster)
145: Essay: Guest Alternate View: The Post-Coronavirus "New Normal" (Richard A. Lovett)
148: Schools of Thought (James Sallis)
150: The Boy Who Went to Mars (Mary Soon Lee)
158: I, Bigfoot (Sarina Dorie)
172: Draiken Dies (Adam-Troy Castro)
200: Essay: The Reference Library (Don Sakers)
206: Abschnitt: Brass Tacks
208: Abschnitt: Upcomming Events (Anthony R. Lewis als Anthony Lewis)
| |
Titel | Sternenpost 3. Zustellung | |
Autoren | Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander | |
Übersetzer | Eva Malsch | |
Sprache | deutsch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Originaltitel | Space Mail (3) (englisch) | |
Jahr | 1984, englisch: 1980 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 176 | |
Preis | 5.80 Deutsche Mark, 45.00 Österreichische Schilling | |
ISBN | 3-8118-6735-0, ISBN13: 978-3-8118-6735-2 | |
Links | Amazon:3-8118-6735-0, Eurobuch:3811867350, ISFDB:424162 | |
Verlag | Moewig (Playboy) (6735) | |
Inhalt | ||
Titel | This is my Funniest 2 - Leading Science Fiction Writers Present Their Funniest Stories Ever | |
Autor | Mike Resnick | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 2007 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 410 | |
Preis | 14.95 US-Dollar, 18.95 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | ISBN13: 978-1-933771-22-9 | |
Links | Amazon:978-1-933771-22-9, Eurobuch:9781933771229, ISFDB:207545 | |
Verlag | Benbella | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Mike Resnick)
3: The Robot Who Came to Dinner (Ron Goulart)
27: Aliens Ate My Pickup (Mercedes Lackey)
35: Correspondence with a Breeder (Janis Ian)
49: Fairy Tale (Jack Dann)
77: How to Write a Scientific Paper (Gregory Benford)
83: Frog Kiss (Kevin J. Anderson)
93: The Acid Test (Kay Kenyon)
103: Airborne All the Way! (David Drake)
117: We Three Kings (Alan Dean Foster)
131: Nord's Gambit (Tobias S. Buckell)
145: A Sword Called Rhonda (D. S. Moen)
167: A Soldier's Complaint (Eric Flint)
175: He Loved Lucy (Terry Bisson)
193: The Frog Prince (Linda J. Dunn)
201: In Search of the Perfect Orgasm (Dean Wesley Smith)
207: Elvis Died for Your Sins (Sarah A. Hoyt)
219: The Angst, I Kid You Not, of God (Michael Bishop)
233: Monster Radio (Chris Roberson)
241: Apecon (Barbara Delaplace)
257: On the High Frontier (Michael F. Flynn)
283: The Day the Martels Got the Cable (Pat Cadigan)
295: Request for Proposal (Anthony R. Lewis)
309: Small in the Saddle (Louise Marley)
325: Ram Shift Phase 2 (Greg Bear)
331: Invasion of the Jack Benny Snatchers (John Gregory Betancourt)
341: The Santa Claus Planet (Frank M. Robinson)
367: Breeding Maze (Larry Niven)
397: Catastrophe Baker and the Cold Equations (Mike Resnick)