Titel | Fantasy & Science Fiction Sept/Oct 2010 | |
Autor | Gordon van Gelder | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Jahr | 2010-09 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 258 | |
Preis | 7.00 US-Dollar | |
Links | ISFDB:330245 | |
Verlag | Spilogale | |
Inhalt |
5: Eating at the End-Of-The-Word Café (Dale Bailey)
30: The Window of Time (Richard Matheson)
45: Abschnitt: Books to Look For (Charles de Lint)
54: Abschnitt: Books (Chris Moriarty)
62: How Seosiris Lost the Favor of the King (James L. Cambias)
75: Orfy (Richard Chwedyk)
141: Steadfast Castle (Michael Swanwick)
149: The Door in the Earth (Alexandra Duncan)
177: F&SF Mailbag (David Gerrold)
183: The Literomancer (Ken Liu)
217: Abschnitt: Films: Neither Fish nor Fowl - Nor Fully Human! (Kathi Maio)
223: About It (Terry Bisson)
229: Uncle Moon in Raintree Hills (Fred Chappell)
256: Abschnitt: Coming Attractions
258: Abschnitt: Curiosities: True History, by Lucian of Samosata (F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre)