Titel | Betcha Can't Read Just One | |
Autor | Alan Dean Foster | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1993-12 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Fantasy | |
Seiten | 242 | |
Preis | 4.99 US-Dollar, 5.99 Kanadische Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-441-24883-7, ISBN13: 978-0-441-24883-4 | |
Links | Amazon:0-441-24883-7, Eurobuch:0441248837, ISFDB:4223 | |
Verlag | Ace | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Alan Dean Foster)
4: The Wicked Old Witch (George Alec Effinger)
19: Talk Radio (Jack McDevitt)
25: Deal with the Devil (Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
38: Final Solution (Mike Resnick)
42: Rainy Day in Halicarnassus (R. A. Lafferty)
52: You Should Pardon Me, I'm Not Making This Up (Tobias Grace)
67: When the Ego Alters (Laura Resnick)
73: Sikander Khan (Margaret Ball)
102: Betcha Can't Eat Just One (Alan Dean Foster)
110: New Hope for Denture Wearers (Ron Goulart)
129: Small Miracles, Part II (Mel Gilden)
137: The Smart Sword (Edward Wellen)
183: Demon's Aren't a Girl's Best Friend (Greg Costikyan)
212: The Broad in the Bronze Bra (Esther M. Friesner als Esther Friesner)
233: The Final Apprentice (Steve Rasnic Tem)
| |
Titel | Perpetual Light | |
Autor | Alan Ryan | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1982-10 | |
Buchformat | Taschenbuch | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 490 | |
Preis | 3.95 US-Dollar | |
ISBN | 0-446-30013-6, ISBN13: 978-0-446-30013-1 | |
Links | Amazon:0-446-30013-6, Eurobuch:0446300136, ISFDB:25932 | |
Verlag | Warner Books | |
Inhalt |
11: Kommentar: Introduction (Alan Ryan)
15: The Pope of the Chimps (Robert Silverberg)
38: Written in Water (Tanith Lee)
52: The Meat Box (Daniel Gilbert)
76: Ifrit (R. A. Lafferty)
88: Contamination (Richard Bowker)
106: Instant With Loud Voices (Alan Dean Foster)
118: Firestorm (Steve Rasnic Tem)
140: Be Fruitful and Multiply (F. Paul Wilson)
150: The Emigrant (Joel Rosenberg)
156: Angel of the Sixth Circle (Gregg Keizer)
182: Judgment Day (Frank Ward)
198: The Theology of Water (Hilbert Schenck)
219: Hamburger Heaven (Nicholas Yermakov)
235: A Green Hill Far Away (Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
272: Small Miracles (Mel Gilden)
285: Relativistic Effects (Gregory Benford)
308: God's Eyes (Craig Shaw Gardner)
326: St. Joey the Action (Shariann Lewitt)
344: The Magi (Damien Broderick)
391: Lest Levitation Come Upon Us (Suzette Haden Elgin)
416: The Rose of Knock (Alan Ryan)
427: Confess the Seasons (Charles L. Grant)
460: A Private Whale (Brian W. Aldiss)
| |
Titel | Perpetual Light | |
Autor | Alan Ryan | |
Sprache | englisch | |
Buchtyp | Kurzgeschichten | |
Auflage | 1 | |
Jahr | 1983 | |
Buchformat | Hardcover, Schutzumschlag | |
Genre | Science Fiction | |
Seiten | 435 | |
Preis | 5.50 US-Dollar | |
Gewicht | 510g | |
Links | ISFDB:221641 | |
Verlag | Warner Books | |
Inhalt |
1: Kommentar: Introduction (Alan Ryan)
5: The Pope of the Chimps (Robert Silverberg)
25: Written in Water (Tanith Lee)
38: The Meat Box (Daniel Gilbert)
60: Ifrit (R. A. Lafferty)
71: Contamination (Richard Bowker)
87: Instant With Loud Voices (Alan Dean Foster)
98: Firestorm (Steve Rasnic Tem)
118: Be Fruitful and Multiply (F. Paul Wilson)
128: The Emigrant (Joel Rosenberg)
133: Angel of the Sixth Circle (Gregg Keizer)
156: Judgment Day (Frank Ward)
170: The Theology of Water (Hilbert Schenck)
189: Hamburger Heaven (Nicholas Yermakov)
204: A Green Hill Far Away (Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
237: Small Miracles (Mel Gilden)
249: Relativistic Effects (Gregory Benford)
270: God's Eyes (Craig Shaw Gardner)
286: St. Joey the Action (Shariann Lewitt)
302: The Magi (Damien Broderick)
345: Lest Levitation Come Upon Us (Suzette Haden Elgin)
367: The Rose of Knock (Alan Ryan)
377: Confess the Seasons (Charles L. Grant)
407: A Private Whale (Brian W. Aldiss)